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標題: [討論]:Private BDSM Club of HK [打印本頁]

作者: eneman    時間: 2004-12-16 01:00 PM     標題: [討論]:Private BDSM Club of HK

I have an idea -- What if we have a (non-profitable) Private BDSM Club or a BDSM resort in Hong Kong? A club may have a great channel for us to share BDSM knowledge. Anyone interested to join? And anyone would warranty to participate the formation of the club?
作者: swstar    時間: 2004-12-20 05:00 PM

this is a good suggestion, but it is difficult to establish a foundation for bdsm in hk. what is the details of your idea?
作者: henryhk    時間: 2004-12-20 06:21 PM

i think so~ But it is really a good idea anyway~
作者: blackprince    時間: 2004-12-25 02:13 AM

I would be gladful if it's really gonna be actualized. perhpas we should take a deep look into the legal aspect of society formation in HK. and I want to know what happened in fetish fashion a few years ago. did it show us anything?
作者: eneman    時間: 2004-12-28 06:23 PM

Any people in legal and medcial field? And any HK female here - would like to ask for advice? Pls. contact me by email ...
作者: 影风    時間: 2005-1-1 11:24 AM

Any progress to your idea?
作者: eneman    時間: 2005-1-2 02:51 AM

Not at all. Seem no right person and nobody interested in HK here. I think I should drop my idea.
作者: swstar    時間: 2005-1-3 12:12 AM

I don't think that we have no interest, but we can't find the kind of person you need. medical and law field people are maybe not so interest in bdsm I think
作者: DamonShi    時間: 2005-1-8 04:36 PM

That's a pretty good idea, but I doubt its possibility in China.
作者: 影风    時間: 2005-1-12 09:01 PM

that's what I am looking for!! I really like to see such a club exist in HK. I like meet those ppl with the same interest. If there a such club, I must join it at first!!!
作者: Handle    時間: 2005-1-13 05:29 PM

I don't think you have a plan yet. I think you need some prelimary plan before you ask people if they're interested, not just an idea. Exact Goal/Aim? What size? where? you said non-profit-how to get funding? And then I think you can look at the legal aspects to realize this plan. I'm thinking that a formal proposal would generate a better response and genuine interestes.
作者: 影风    時間: 2005-1-13 10:23 PM

I think it must be totally private otherwise police force will be alerted!! Let me try to help to start the plan. Goal: to form a private SM club in HK, providing a channel to share our experience on BDSM and a place to share the techniques on BDSM. Size: start from a few people, like 5. It really depends on how many people interested and actually participating. Where: a reasonable sized room in industrial area. It's cheap on renting and big enough for the the play. Can be anywhere like one of the member's home!! Funding: donate by the members/share the expend on each event. (need some cash to kick start!!) Handle, are you living in HK?
作者: 雅兒    時間: 2005-7-3 08:21 PM

if the post posted in chinese,may it draw more attention
作者: Handle    時間: 2005-7-4 01:28 AM

Sorry, haven't been following this thread. First of all, it has to be legal (even if private). Start a company at least so all members/officers have limited liability. We do not want to "avoid the police". I'm not in HK currently.
作者: hkspank    時間: 2005-7-5 10:40 PM

I think you need some more concrete and sophistaticated idea. For example, if you are looking for just starting a room with SM facilities and share among friends and various network. It will be like starting a band room yourself and I don't think there is any new for registartion or whatsoever. But it seems to me that you may rent the place out. If you really need some newscutting on the fetish fashion news, I can make it for you. Just leave me a message. I am not in the legal field, but as far as I remeber, the FF case is more complicated since their show require fee collection and they themselves offer renting service in their shop. And one of the reason they do not have to be sued is that their activities is a private one.
作者: hkspank    時間: 2005-7-5 10:40 PM

I mean they have been sued but are found not gulity.
作者: Handle    時間: 2005-7-6 04:25 PM

involving "money" is a big legal issue (even if it's non-profit). "Private" does have some rights, but I don't know how much it'll protect you. Remember, most private clubes are actually private, but they may not be totally legal.
作者: hkspank    時間: 2005-7-6 11:31 PM

坦白講,如果你話法律有無完全保障既話,我諗未必有。幾年前轟動英國既spanner's case 就係告一群一齊玩sm 既男人傷害他人身體,法官最後判決受害者自願唔係一個抗辯理由,最後判左參與者坐監。翻查資料,香港亦有條例叫做「經營行為不檢場所」同埋「經營不良表演」罪名,SM 係唔係行為不檢呢個亦係一個當年既一個爭辯既論點。坦白講,我覺得當時既判決幾睇法官既personal stance ,我將D剪報post 上,大家有興趣既話慢慢研究討論。
作者: hkspank    時間: 2005-7-6 11:33 PM

港聞 A04 成報 2002-08-20 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- SM真人騷三搞手脫罪 女老闆續經營 指社會有需要 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- 【本報特訊】在中環閣麟街經營性商店,涉嫌舉行SM真人騷的外籍夫婦及該 店女經理,被控一項「經營行為不檢場所」及六項「經營不良表演」罪名,昨全部被判 不成立。裁判官衛以寬判案時指出,當時在場的參與者只是一群性虐綑綁的成年愛好 者,不涉及性接觸,也不會對身體造成傷害。而獲判無罪的女店東在法庭外表示,會堅 持經營該店,因為相信它有社會需要。 三名被告英籍女店東Brenda Scofield(五十四歲)、其任職行政人員的丈夫 Laurence Richard Scofield(四十八歲)及店經理梅淑嫻(四十歲)。 根據控方的陳詞,對於「行為不檢場所」的界定,應符合三個要點:(一)會破壞社 會風化;(二)傾向使人腐化及敗壞;(三)破壞公眾利益,值得予以譴責及懲罰。而 「經營行為不檢場所」,則根據以下三個定義:(一)該處的表演或展示符合前述三點 ;(二)確定有關人士有經營該場所;(三)確定經營者知道場所內所發生的事。 難證經營行為不檢場所 裁判官衛以寬表示,除了要考慮上述的定義外,還要以現時社會的整體情況及準則, 來決定該店是否經營行為不檢場所。他認為,庭上所講述店內發生過的情節,很多香港 電影曾作描述,雖然電影有等級限制,但案件與控方所提出的檢舉準則,仍有一段距 離,控方未能證實該場所是經營行為不檢場所。 裁判官指,首被告及一名曾參加過SM派對的證人的供詞均清晰可信,認為二人是誠實 可靠的證人。反觀一名臥底警員在庭上作供含糊,常有不自然的停頓,其供詞又加插了 很多在警方行動時摘錄的筆記內未有提及的內容。裁判官認為此證人的作供不可信。 由於其中一名目擊證人,即臥底警員的證供不可信,再加上控方不能證實三名被告對 場內所發生的事知情,在疑點利益歸於被告下,判六項「經營不良表演」罪名不成立。 裁判官又表示,當時在場的參與者,只是一群性虐綑綁(BDSM)的成年愛好者,在安全 及互相同意下進行角色扮演,並不涉及性接觸。他相信鞭打及其他活動,不會對身體造 成傷害。 沒性接觸亦無傷害身體 裁判官亦就「公開表演」作詮釋,臥底警員在參與派對前,被告曾對他們作出遴選, 有機會被拒於門外,公眾亦不易進入參加,故不涉及任何「公開」成分。 辯方大律師稱,案件在金錢、情緒及時間上,明顯已對各被告造成傷害,他亦不認為 案件與公眾利益有關,故要求將案件押後至十月四日,就堂費提出申請。 中區警方人員以放蛇方式於去年八月十二日突擊搜查閣麟街性用品店Fetish Fashion,拘捕二十六人;當中抱括三名被告。其中被懷疑欣賞真人騷的二十多人,控 方希望他們能以證人身分出庭作供,但因當中不乏律師及專業人士,法庭豁免公開他們 的身分,全部人最後不被起訴。 案件編號:WSCC 13727╱2001
作者: hkspank    時間: 2005-7-6 11:34 PM

評論-中港評論 P06 信報財經新聞 趙文宗 2003-02-08 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 由香港SM審判說起 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 二○○一年八月,中區商店Fetish Fashion舉行SM(Sadomasochism,俗譯「性虐待」)表演,被政府以「管理不道德場所」和「不良表演」兩項罪名起訴該店負責人。一年後,香港裁判司署裁判官
作者: Handle    時間: 2005-7-7 03:34 PM

所說的「經營不良表演」條例, 我想很難入罪: ... 04F4A4?OpenDocument 找不到「經營行為不檢場所」條例, 但文中提及的應以「社會風化」和「社會利益」最重要, 判詞也說得很清楚...有了這個先例我想應該沒甚麼大問題...

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