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標題: [求翻译]防盗措施(暂译名) [打印本頁]

作者: zcgzjs    時間: 2009-5-2 12:13 PM     標題: [求翻译]防盗措施(暂译名)

Jeanette heard the alarm signal, as she was justfinishing up with the boy in the back room, and pulled out hercell-“That’s Lisa?” Looking at the monitors in the back couldn’tunderstand what Lisa was seeing no one was in front of her at the time.As she swiveled her camera around it froze upon the changing room andwould refuse to move. “God dammit. If the police find out where thisfroze I’m going to get into so much trouble.” She swore to herself asshe moved the little switch around, she saw a big woman shove someclothing into her stomach. “What the ???” She thought to herself,refocused another camera upon the exit to the room, and walked out toconfront her with a smile on her face. “Greetings Miss, can I help you with anything?” Jeanette politely asked the woman as she was making her way for the door. “Thank you, but no. I’m in a bit of a hurry. I’ve already checked forsomething in my size, but there isn’t really anything you have thatwill fit me. I’m sorry.” Responded the woman as she held out her armsto show her, uncommon size. “If that completely true, I’m Peter Pan.” Jeanette mocked in herhead as she told the woman that she was absolutely confidant that shehad something in her size in the back room, they even made costume fitcostumers. She told the woman in the most honest holy tone, keeping heranger in check. As the woman politely excused herself that she justdidn’t have the time to try on another costume and must rush along,trying to take a step at passing Jeanette. Seeing that this costumerapproach just wasn’t going to work with this one she whispered into herear as she tried to shove pass her. “Miss not to be rude but…Why areyou so eager to meet with the police at the front door?” The womanstopped in her tacks. “If you just accompany me to the back room, I think we may find abetter solution to this most uncomfortable situation that works out forthe both of us.” Jeanette was of course bluffing about the police, shedefiantly didn’t want them around with all that was going on in theback, but this woman didn’t know that yet. Who was under her breath atthe moment cursing her as a wince shoed on her face before shereluctantly agreed. A few moments later only Jeanette emerged from theback again, carrying a few costume articles and what appeared to be awoman’s fat suit. ******** It had been a long day for Maria, she had watched for hours to findsomeone who was shoplifting. She had thought she had caught one ofthem, but she saw Jeannette come by and pick him up, Maria assumed itmust have been Sonya’s catch since she had seen him over there takingmasks. Then there was this fat woman who had caught her attention butbefore she had pressed her button she was taken also by Jeanette intothe back, Lisa must have been watching her as well in the mirror aboveher. Dejected, she looked at the clock over the counter to see how muchlonger she must endure this hell, but opportunity presented itself toas she watched a woman in an expensive business suit picking up acat-eared headband and then simulate that she was searching for herphone. Taking everything from her purse on Lisa’s stand, before findingwhat she was looking for and placed everything back inside…includingthe cat-ears. “Ouch.” Maria shouted in her head as she was presentedwith another shock from her ball as she pushed down the button hopingit had worked. To Maria it seemed like an eternity as she waited forJeanette, she though for sure her button was broken and her, her catchwould escape running out the door. To her relief though Jeanette passedher by as she hurried to stop her at the door. ******** Jeanette was once again on her way to stop another shoplifter, butthis one must have guessed her intentions and quickly made her way forthe exit. Pushing aside customers, knocking over merchandises, and toher horror sending Lisa crashing onto one of the racks of clothing.Jeanette was thankful it wasn’t the floor however, that only quickenedher pace as anger took her as she watched the woman getting dangerouslyclose to the exit. When she decided to make a desperate move and ran upon the display stands and leap at the running pace from the top, flyingover the crowded room and the knocked over figure of Lisa and endingcrashed down upon the woman pinning her to the floor. People gatheredaround them, but in time Jeanette explained that this woman wasshoplifting and that she had been sanctioned by the city as an upholderof the law with credentials to match. If anyone would want to see them,and she took the woman as she struggled in her arms to the back room,where Jeanette told the crowd she would be picked up momentary. As theback room door closed behind her, applause rose from crowd and acomment from some costumers by the door reached her ears. “That woman should receive a medal.” “The questions is though which one State or Olympic?” As the woman struggled in her arms, Jeanette thought of her own answer to this. “No, I think it should be in Chemistry or Art.” ******* Lisa awoke from a troubled sleep amid total blackness, wondering whenshe had dozed off or even if was still asleep now? She could not tell.The last thing she recalled was her mannequin job and being knockedover by some fat jerk in the store. At least her head wasn’t hurtinganymore. “Great I still can’t move?” Lisa said to herself, as tried tolift her hand as she looked into the darkness before her, trying to seeanyone or anything she might recognize. But all was impregnabledarkness and as she continued to stare into the nothingness fear beganto grip her as she heard not a sound or even the slightest movement ofthe air. Where was Samantha or Jeannette? Where were her friends? Lisawanted to shout for them to see if they were all right, or to findanyone who may come to her rescue from her imprisonment. When a brightlight suddenly turned on above her lighting just a small space aroundher. She could hear foot steeps coming from the darkness, two differentsounds of feet. She adjusted her eyes to see who they were as theyentered the light as if coming out of black ink one was Jeanette andbehind her came a tall man with dark hair, wearing a suit as dark asthe blackness behind him. As he stopped observing Lisa, Jeanette began to speak. “As you can see,I have completed my part of the deal.” She motioned her hand at Lisa.“Look, she made a perfect mannequin as for your story it workedperfectly on her. She didn’t have a clue what was going on. Here takeyour time and check her over, I don’t think she will mind anymore.” “What going one?!” Lisa shouted in her mind, as the man started to lookher over, then it all hit her like a freight train, she had been turnedinto a mannequin for sale. She became angry and wanted to lash out atthe people before her but it all turned to fear as the man’s dark andcold eyes meet her own. Starring, down in her past anything that onecould normally see into her soul, filling her chest with terror asthose eyes seemed to taste her gently as if she was some sort ofdelicacy to be enjoyed. // Her heart racing, pumping blood tainted with the fear paralysing hermind. His cold gaze penetrate hard plastic shell making her collapse inagony again and again as if it was tearing away her flesh until itreach her soul... only to take it into possession. He came closer to her, she could feel his cold almost dead feelinghands moving around her checking for any imperfections yet no matterwhere his eyes went they remained almost locked upon her inner being,seeming to take a slight lick every now and them. Through all this shewore a still angelic face, that underneath was terrified wanting to cryout for some heavenly help. As he finished resting his, horrible handsupon her bosom, Lisa watched his genital smile form into something shehad only seen upon the demonic images of centuries past. Before leaningin close to her whispering with hot breath full of the smell ofbrimstone. “YOU BELONG TO ME!” Then he moved back and she gasped hard as something cold yet hotgrasped at her thought and heart as the mans eyes became blood red andhe started to breath in deeply as one would on a summer day, enjoyingsomething that was unseen. With each intake, Lisa’s life seemed toflash before her eyes, all her hopes and dreams flowing like blood intothis man’s mouth before her. She tried to fight for everything that wastaken from her but she was becoming weaker and started to not care ashe enveloped her. Until she just stood still uncaring of what he did toher as he finished making a sound like a straw when it reaches thebottom, he licked his lips and kissed her gently. “You my dear, are thebest meal I have had in a long time.” He jumped down from the platformand began to pull out a box from the dark around her. Lisa, knew whatwas coming but she did not care, something within her wanted to fightas he got back up upon the podium she stood on but something keeptelling her she was only a mannequin. “Yes. I think you will looklovely within my store.” He said grabbing her head and twisting it offher shoulders and placing gently in the box before closing the lid.Darkness consumed her. ******** "Lisa? Lisa, can you hear me?" She suddenly heard Jeanette'sworried voice, slicing through the darkness and the image of horribleman before her like Excalibur. “Huh?!” Lisa thought as she drifted back into consciousness, facingJeanette with the ceiling above her an old water stain in it seeming togo around like a halo. “Thank God! It was only a bad dream.” Lisathought to herself. “Are you in there?” Jeanette said as she shook her. “Press any of thebuttons, darling.” Lisa found the ball and pressed the first button shecould feel causing the cell phone to ring in Jeanette’s hand. Causing awave of relief to come across her face, “Are you all right, press theX?” Lisa’s head was spinning a bit, overall though she felt fine anddid as she was asked, causing Jeanette to smile. “You made us worry fora moment there, darling. But, if your feeling fine, then we better getyou back on display.” The rest of the day went on as it had before and thankfully, forall involved nothing else happened. As the sun started to cast its lastlight and slowly sunk behind the buildings opposite the shop, the doorswere locked, the curtains closed, and the girls were brought back intothe storage room. “You girls are priceless!” Jeanette said with a wide smile upon herface. “I guess it’s time to get you out of those shells…However, sinceit has been a long day and you all may feel bloated do you have too???”She didn’t have to finish her words as the phone in her pocket statedto ring loudly as all the girls pressed their buttons. ******* Once Lisa was successfully out of her costume with a great deal of helpfrom Samantha, she was placed back onto the rotating platform and somewhite lotion now sprayed upon her. As she was told that, the counterlotion would start working shortly and after a few minutes, she couldhear a slight sound as one dose cracking an egg. "You hear that?" askedSamantha. "It means that the solution is working. Of course we’re on along way to being done.” She said reassuringly as the noise faded “Now,we are going to move you off to the side so we can get the othersdone.” Jeanette checked on Lisa after undressing Maria and spraying herwith lotion. “It look’s like its having an effect.” She said as shegave Lisa’s chest give a little under her finger. “Samantha, I thinkyou may start in a minute.” Lisa could see Samantha walk over to thecounter before her and plug in some kind of small circular saw, andtested it upon a old piece of plastic that it cut through like a hotknife through butter. “All set, now lets get you out of there.” She tuned towards Lisa who was now shouting in her head. “Your notgoing to use that thing on me. Maybe staying in a piece of plastic fora few days is better then a few bloody limbs.” She pressed down uponher panic button as she tried to move in vain. Samantha heard her phoneand stopped her advice looking at Lisa. “Oh don’t worry this won’t hurta bit, it’s the same kind one uses to cut through a cast. Now holdstill… that is if more is possible.” She said as she resumed turningback on the saw and making her way for her fake pivot lines on hershoulders brining the saw down upon the thin lines as she began to curthrough her. Soon Lisa felt a fresh line on her coming through thepassage to her skin, she could even bend her arm a bit as Samantha cutthe line upon her wrist. Next, she cut two pivot lines along her armlength freeing her whole limb except her hand. "Now still while I picka smaller saw, you may want to flex it a little, you may feel numb,"said Samantha as she went back to table. Meanwhile Jeanette was undressing as much of Sonya as possible beforefilling the compressor with more counter lotion. There is no way toremove this bodysuit with you unable to move.” She said as she placedthe spray gun back on the table and took a heat gun into her hand asshe started to spray a blast of heat at her. “However, since I didn’tknow how I would place you girls, I made sure that this solution wouldbecome playable under high heat. Therefore, if I wanted I could moveyou around if need be, or even your poses if I in the end didn’t likeit. Right now though it will help me get you out.” She said with a bitof effort in her voice as she bent down uncovering the zipper that hadbeen hidden under a string of Velcro, undoing the steely device. With abit more tugging, she was able to remove the top portion of Sonya’scostume as it dangled from her waist as Jeanette applied the heat toher. Jeanette managed to lower it a bit more before putting Sonya into aseating position before she was able to pull the suit off Sonya’s legsand the heat gun went back to work. Within a few moments, Sonya wasback standing on her feet with the costume completely off her. “Timefor the lotion.” Jeanette shouted with pride and started spraying downSonya who was soon finished and placed on the side. “You will have towait your turn sweetie. We only have one saw for this work and itscurrently being used.” She said trying her best to cheer up theexhausted girl, who now became terrified, as she now knew what thesound was that she had been hearing. Lisa now had two of her arms free and she ran them down her perfectlysmooth body. “Enjoying yourself, I see.” Samantha asked as she startedto cut around her face. Abashed she let her hands return to massagingher arms, happy to know that at the moment her blushing face wasn’tvisible. Samantha finished cutting around her face ending at Lisa chinwho now braced her fingers around the edges and removed her maskreviling her still red face. “You may now remove the ball.” SaidSamantha casing her eyes down holding out her hand." She’s back to her old self again Lisa noted in her mind as she expelledthe ball and handed it to Samantha only saying a simple “Thank you’ inreturn as she put the ball away and began to struggle to remove therest of the shell around Lisa head. But when it was removed her longhair fell out, glistening in the light from the blue gel that hadn’thad a chance to be fully absorbed. Being quite still Lisa rubbed herstill slightly encased neck. “Don’t try to remove the lenses yet, youneed to shower first. You don’t want to get any of what’s left of thatgel in your eyes. It would burn like all hell.” Jeanette said as shesat in a comfortable chair to let her legs rest after a long day inhigh-heels with a fresh cup of coffee in her hands. “Samantha, how long is it going to take to get me out of here. I reallywould like to move around now.” Lisa said watching as to when tomaintain her balance as her feet were cut through. “Not too long.” Responded a bashful Samantha as she turned on the sawto deepen the line of her midsection and then on her sides to separatethe shell holding Lisa’s chest into front and back portions. Maria was experimenting a bit with moving around in her softeningshell, so far she managed to drop her bow and straighten herself up abit before she snapped back into place. Somehow, her future wasn’tlooking do gloomy anymore and she was starting to enjoying the feelingof being a moving mannequin. Sonya watched as the next piece of shell was removed from Lisa,wondering why she had to be the last in line this time, perhaps theyhad forgotten which order they had been placed into the resin. “Isn’tthere any way to speed this up, even a little?” She asked herself,turning her sight on Jeanette wishing for one of those cups she hadright now as Jeanette placed it aside and went to ask Lisa if shewanted something to drink as well. “Hot tea would be nice.” Answered Lisa. “Samantha, this is going totake a long time.” Said Jeanette as she was getting Lisa’s tea. “Canyou free Maria’s and Sonya’s head and arms so they can have a drink aswell.” Samantha just nodded in agreement, as she was ready to removethe last the shell covering Lisa from her midsection as Lisa blushingasked for something to cover herself. A towel was brought over byJeanette, that would now cover her from butt line to her upper thighs. Samantha was working feverously upon Maria’s arm when Jeanette returnedcarrying cups of tea on the metal plate, placing it upon a table bringon of the cups to Lisa who accepted it gratefully. The tea was stillhot but Lisa didn’t care, she was thirstily and drank down largeamounts feeling the warmness washing down her parched body. Maria was having a hard time trying to contain herself as Samanthastarted to work on her face shouting over and over in her had in asong. “I’m getting out of the plastic! I’m getting out the plastic!”She was almost ecstatic. “There is no way I’m ever going to do anythingthis stupid again!” She promised herself, as she waited for Samantha tofree her from her predicament, waiting for the moment to have some nicetea. Which when she was partially free, never tasted so lovely to herwhen she was finally to get out of some her encasement. She was sohappy not to be hopeless anymore as she moved her hands up and downherself feeling what she so hated at the moment. She didn’t like theface she was only half free right now but it was better to her then theformer. Samantha was a bit worn out when she finished with Sonya andsat down next to Jeanette and took a break to sip a few drops of tea.She was happy the girls went all too chatty with each other but theywere probably just as worn as she was. Soon Jeanette colleted all the empty cups and a few minutes laterSamantha was back at work getting the last of Lisa free. Who wasgetting on Jeanette’s as she contained as ask Samantha how much longershe would have to stay still. As Samantha started a bit of cuttingbelow the waist and in all the known patters before being able toremove the last part of the covering on Lisa’s waist and the upper partof her thighs. Now sitting Lisa upon a chair and proceeding to removethe last part of the holdings upon her legs. Sonya observed Samantha’s work upon Lisa, as she gracefully went overher like a surgeon. It was interesting to her but more boring to herthan the wait for the shop to open, but she had to bear with it as shewatched the last bit of the foot encasement on Lisa fall off and shewas now completely free. "Now, go shower yourself to dissolve rest of chemicals. Soft solvent isalready in bathroom with everything you may need including fresh towelsand your own clothes," said Jeanette, "Once you are done Samantha willremove the lenses and you will be free for today." Samantha went towork on Maria. In bathroom, Lisa was enjoying the hot shower. She had to admitthat had been one exciting day, a lot crazy things were definitelygoing on and the best part was she's was getting paid for it. She waseven enjoying not having to close her eyes as she washed herself, itwas odd seeing the water come down your eyes and have it not affectyou. She heard a soft knock in the door and Maria’s voice telling herto hurry it up, she had been waiting at least 10 minutes to have herturn. Lisa gave a sigh and turned the water off, "so much for relaxingshower," she said as she toweled herself and put on her clothes. Sheopened door to see a much distressed Maria. "Hop in, the water isfine." Said Lisa as she went back to Samantha with her hair still a bitdamp. As Lisa re-entered the back room Samantha was just removing the last of the shell covering Sonya. "Good timing," said Jeanette and motioned her to take a sit nearher. "Samantha will take those lenses out in a minute. I hope that thislittle miss-adventure with shoplifters wont make you turn on metomorrow?" "I don't think so," admitted Lisa as she say Samantha put away thecircular saw and come to ask her to take a seat in front of the mirror.Inserting lenses was fairly easy, removing though took a little moreeffort and some vary small twisters. After they had been removed,Samantha administered a few eye drops before going to make some moretea for the girls. Soon after the girls were all done each having somemuch need tea and food, Jeanette called it a night and the girls wenthome their pockets fat from a good days work. ******** As the door locked behind the girls, Jeanette went down to the basement where Samantha already was seeing to their guest’s.
作者: 宇子    時間: 2009-5-3 12:25 AM     標題: 英文不行!

作者: zcgzjs    時間: 2009-5-4 02:15 PM

作者: unamedplayer    時間: 2009-5-7 11:03 PM

many white spaces are lost in your copy-n-paste, and this makes it hard, if not impossible, for translation software to work.
作者: rgplmodel    時間: 2009-6-4 08:44 AM

作者: sampledk    時間: 2009-6-7 02:20 PM

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