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女奴珍妮弗 并列世界:珍妮弗 作者:凱文爵士 翻譯:周敏 珍妮弗(5)   船在海上已航行三周了,沒有一個姑娘知道她們會被帶往何方。   珍妮弗的艙室裡共有十九個女孩,被綁成一串。有幾個女孩僅穿著內衣,或穿著還掛在身上的隨便什麼衣服,其餘的則是全裸。   珍妮弗被綁在末尾。她一直裸到腰部,腿和腳也光著。她穿著小小的厚棉布短褲,很多地方已被撕成了條。她手腕和腳腕都戴著粗糙的鐵鐐,一根長鏈把鐐銬和她脖子上沉重的鐵項圈連在一起。另兩根鏈子把她的項圈和兩邊兩個姑娘的項圈連起來。   她右邊是瑪麗.勞,普林斯頓大學四年級學生。她被綁架時,還有不到兩周就畢業了。左邊是年輕的克莉絲汀娜,以前的貝弗利山高中拉拉隊長,一路上總是在哭。   突然,綁在中間的一個姑娘叫了起來:“陸地!接近陸地了!”   事實上,船接近的是一個小島。綠色斜坡頂部,聳立著一座古老的城堡,或要塞,是石頭的。   “啊,上帝!”瑪利.勞呻吟著:“好一個復仇!”   姑娘們都轉過頭來看著她。短暫沉默之後,珍妮弗說:“你的意思是……這是……那麼,這是一座……”   “一座奴隸監獄,我們自己的祖先建造的,”瑪麗.勞打斷她:“非洲海岸外邊--我們一定是在這兒。幾百年前他們建了這些要塞,用來關押黑奴,然後再把他們運到新大陸去。但現在……啊,上帝!真是一個諷刺!”   克莉絲汀娜又哭了起來,很快另外幾個也哭了,包括瑪麗.勞。珍妮弗用銬著的手撫著克莉絲汀娜的肩,然後又撫著瑪麗.勞的肩,徒勞地試圖安慰她的伙伴,但什麼也說不出來。過了很長時間,她自己臉上也滿是淚水。   汽笛響了,船准備進港。通過有鐵條的小窗,她們看見了人群,主要是非洲人和阿拉伯人,人群經過通向奴隸要塞的窄路,聚集到碼頭上。   珍妮弗的心情突然變得有些怪,她想知道他們愿意出多少錢買她。 珍妮弗(12)   “珍妮弗!珍妮弗!!”女主人的聲音很急切。   珍妮弗從她房間外小露台的躺椅上跳起來,在自己腳上鐐銬允許的範圍內盡快跑過來。但她剛拐了彎,用銬著的手打開門以後,卻一下子停在哪兒了。   來到女主人樓下的書房時,她突然不動了。羅賓——主人十一歲的兒子,此時正焦急地站在角落裡,盯著她上下看。她停下來猶豫著,不知該進去還是退出來。她來到這所房子已兩個多月了,但女主人從未讓她裸體戴著鐐銬直接面對羅賓。   “進來,珍妮弗,”女主人叫她:“別害臊,跪下。”   珍妮弗慢慢跪下,坐在腳上然後分開大腿。幾個月來,她已變得習慣這種屈辱的姿勢了,但現在羅賓在場,這樣暴露身體最隱秘的部位,她仍有些不自在。   “很好,羅賓,”女主人平靜地說:“過去,摸她。”   羅賓汗津津的小手擠著她的乳房,又試探地撫弄乳頭,珍妮弗低下頭,羞紅了臉。他眼見圓圓的乳頭變得立了起來,顯然受到強烈的刺激,開始以極大的興趣對它們又是捏又是扯。   “摸她,怎麼摸都行,羅賓。”女主人的聲音更嚴肅了:“你要是喜歡,甚至可以弄痛她。對珍妮弗,你做什麼都行。她是我們的奴隸。”   “但是,”她突然提高了聲音:“你要是再滋擾你們學校的女孩被抓住了,就別回家來見我!” 珍妮弗(18)   珍妮弗看看穿衣鏡裡的自己,有些困惑。瑞吉——她新主人六歲的兒子,仍然盯著她傻笑,當時她正要給他洗澡,然後服侍他上床睡覺。   “怎麼了,瑞吉?”她終於問。   “媽媽說,在別人面前不穿衣服是羞人的,”瑞吉答道,還在傻笑:“你怎麼從來什麼衣服都不穿呢?”   “啊,這個。”珍妮弗答道,嘆了口氣,終於明白了:“那是因為,你媽媽 和爸爸要我總是光著。”   “為什麼?”   “這樣,什麼時候只要他們愿意,都可以很方便摸我或打我。”珍妮弗耐心解釋。   “為什麼?”   “因為我是他們的奴隸。”從十五歲起,她已經一直當了四年多奴隸了,珍妮弗說這些話時,十分平靜。   “什麼是奴隸?”   “奴隸是……就像一件東西。”   “什麼是東西?”   “東西……好比說,我不是一個像你媽媽和爸爸那樣的人,我是一個他們買的‘物品’。比如,就像一匹真正的馬。”   “可你不是馬呀,珍妮弗。”   “不是,可他們可以像對待一匹馬那樣對待我。他們可以對我做他們想對我做的任何事,因為他們擁有我。現在懂了嗎?”   “啊-哈-”瑞吉說,眨巴著眼睛想了想:“我也擁有你嗎?”   “……是,我想,你的確擁有我。”   “那我也能把你當成馬嗎?”   “我希望你不。但,是的,你可以。”   “那麼,我想對你做什麼都行嗎?”   “是,是,是,當然可以,我的小主人。現在站起來,我給你擦乾。”   最後,瑞吉看來對答案滿意了,沒再審珍妮弗。   第二天一早,珍妮弗被屋外瑞吉的高聲哭叫吵醒。一會兒,她的女主人進來了,看起來像是一點辦法也沒有。   “很抱歉這麼早把你叫起來,珍妮弗。”她解開珍妮弗鋼項圈上的夜鏈,有些抱歉地說:“可如果我不讓你和他玩兒,他就要打第三次世界大戰了。”   五分鐘後,珍妮弗為她昨晚告訴瑞吉的話深深後悔了,她用手和膝在鄉間的土路上一點點地爬著。   瑞吉在她腰間拴了一條粗亞麻繩,繩的另一頭連著他的玩具馬車,馬車上坐著珍妮弗的小主人,正快活地用小馬鞭抽打著她的腳掌。 ********************************************************************************   譯者後記:   凱文爵士的作品是在網上發現的,現翻譯幾篇介紹給中文讀者。還有幾篇,但不太好,不打算譯了。   他的寫法是,每次只通過一個片斷,表達一些事情。文內的珍妮弗和絲蒂芬妮在不同的文章內是不同的人,所以每篇都沒有續集。而且作者寫了這些後,似乎再沒寫過(我在網上粗略找過一下,沒找到別的),有的朋友希望看續集,看來要失望了。   如果有足夠的想像力,朋友們可以嘗試自己來寫,就看有無實力寫出原作的水平。這種類型的中文作品,好像還不多,大家可一試。   原作見:http://poller.com/bondage/slave_girl_stephanie1-4.html,有一位朋友已經指出過了。   謝謝各位的關心和鼓勵,再見。
我現加貼英文原文 Jennifer Jennifer (5) The ship had been at sea for three weeks, and none of the girls knew where they were being taken. There were nineteen girls in Jennifer's cabin, chained into a coffle. Some of them were scantily clad in their underwear or left of their clothes, others were completely nude. Jennifer was chained towards the end of the coffle. She was naked down to her waist, and her legs and feet were bare. Much of the tiny denim shorts she wore was also torn into rags. Her wrists and ankles were locked in rough iron manacles, connected by a long chain that led up to her heavy iron collar. Two other chains attached her collar to those of the two girls on either side. On her right was Mary Lou, a Princeton senior less than two weeks from graduation when she was kidnapped. On the left was young Christina, formerly a cheerleader at Beverly Hills High School, who spent much of the journey crying. Suddenly a girl in the middle of the coffle called out: "Land! We are approaching land!" It was, in fact, a small island that the ship was approaching. On the top of the green slopes, stood an old castle, or fort, built of rocks. "Oh Christ!" Mary Lou groaned out. "What revenge!" All the girls turned to look at her. After a brief silence, Jennifer said: "You mean...this is, well, this was one of the..." "One of the slave-prisons that our own ancesters built," Mary Lou interrupted. "Off the African coast -- that must be where we are. They built these forts centuries ago to hold the black slaves before transporting them to the New World. And now...oh Christ! What an irony!" Christina began weeping again, and was soon joined by several other girls, including Mary Lou. Jennifer caressed Christina's shoulder, and then Mary Lou's, with her chained hands in a vain attempt to comfort her companions, but could not think of anything to say. Before long her own face was covered with tears. They heard the wistle blowing. The ship was getting ready to enter port. Through the small, barred window they could now see people, mostly Africans and Arabs, gathering on the docks along a narrow path leading to the slave-fort. In a strange mood, Jennifer started to wonder how many dollars they would be willing to pay for her. Jennifer (12) "Jennifer! Jennifer!!" Her mistress' voice was filled with a sense of urgency. Jennifer jumped up from the lounge chair on the little balcony outside her room, and ran as far as her leg-irons allowed, stopping only to turn around and open the door with her fettered hands. She suddenly froze when she came to her mistress' study downstairs. Robby, her mistress' eleven-year-old son, was standing nervously in a corner, and staring her up and down. She stopped and hesitated, not knowing whether to step in or to withdraw. She had been in the house for more than two months, but her mistress had never confronted her with Robby when she was naked and chained. "Come on in, Jennifer," her mistress called her. "Don't be shy. Now kneel down." Slowly, Jennifer fell on her knees, sat on her heels and spread her thighs. Over the last few months she had grown accustomed to this position of submissiveness, but this time she felt more than a little uncomfortable exposing the most intimate part of her body in Robby's presence. "All right, Robby," her mistress said calmly. "Now go ahead and touch her." Jennifer lowered her head and flushed when Robby's small sweaty hands pressed on her breasts and fondled her nipples tentatively. Apparently fascinated to see how the round nipples became erect, he pinched and pulled them with great interest. "Touch her all you want, Robby." Her mistress sounded more serious now. "You can even hurt her if you like. It's OK to do whatever you want with Jennifer. She's our slave. "But," she suddenly raised her voice, "if you get caught one more time bothering the girls in your school, don't ever come home to see me again!" Jennifer (18) Jennifer looked at herself in the dressing mirror and felt puzzled. Ricky, her new master's six-year-old son, kept staring at her and giggling while she was trying to give him a bath before putting him to bed. "What's wrong, Ricky?" she finally asked. "Mommy says it's a shame not to wear cloths in front of other people," Ricky answered, still giggling. "How come you never wear any cloths?" "Oh that!" Jennifer said with a sigh of relief. "That's because your mommy and daddy want me to be naked all the time." "What for?" "So that they can touch me or beat me whenever they want to," Jennifer explained patiently. "How come?" A five or six year-old boy's curiosity was insatiable. "Because I'm their slave." Having been a slavegirl for more than four years ever since she was fifteen, Jennifer had learnt to make this statement without any emotion. "What's a slave?" "A slave is...like a piece of property." "What's property?" "Property...it's like saying I'm not a human being like your mommy and daddy are. I'm a 'thing' that they bought. Like a horse in the stable, for example." "But you are not a horse, Jennie." "No, but they can treat me like a horse. They can do whatever they want with me, because they own me. Do you understand now?" "Uh-huh," Ricky said, blinking and thinking. "Do I own you too?" "...Well, I think you do." "So I can treat you like a horse too?" "I hope not; but yes, you can." "And I can do whatever I want to you?" "Yes yes yes, of course, my little master. Now stand up and let me dry you up." At last, Ricky seemed satisfied with the answer and stopped interrogating Jennifer. Early the next morning, Jennifer was waken up by Ricky's loud screams and cries outside her room. After a while, her mistress came in, looking completely frustrated. "I'm sorry to get you up so early, Jennie," she said somewhat apologetically while detaching the night-chain from Jennifer's steel collar. "But Ricky would start the third world war right now if I wouldn't let you play with him." Five minutes later, Jennifer found herself deeply regretful for what she had told Ricky the night before, when she was literally driven into the country road leading to town, walking on her hands and knees. Ricky had tied a thick flaxen rope around her waist. On the other end of the rope was his toy cart, in which sat Jennifer's little master, joyfully whipping the soles of her feet with a small riding crop. Jennifer (19) Jennifer could not wait till the end of the ceremony. She slipped out of the auditorium through the backstage door as soon as she had received the award, briefly answered a few questions from a small group of reporters who were smart enough to wait for her there, and, before the flock of other reporters realized that she was missing, she had already sneaked into the rented limousine and was well on her way to Vladimir's house. She could not wait to share her joy with Vladimir; After all, she had just won one of the most prestigious award in classical music, after fifteen years of diligent practice. As Vladimir's protegee for the last two years, she was sure this latest achievement would make him very proud. Jennifer wondered whether he was going to whip her for forgetting to mention his name in her little acknowledgement speech. She had been too excited at the moment, but she knew if he decided to whip her, no excuse would be good enough to save her a sore bottom. Thirty minutes later, Jennifer was standing in front of Vladimir's large Tudor-style house. She rang the bell, and heard his voice over the intercom: "Come in." She opened the door with her key and entered. In the dark hallway, she almost tripped over something. Turning on the light, she saw a small suitcase lying on the floor, with a note stuck on it: "Change before you come up." She laid down her violin and opened the suitcase. In it she found an iron collar and two pairs of wide iron manacles, connected by a long, dark and heavy chain. She did not need further instructions. Without any hesitation, she took off her black velvet evening dress, her underwear, shoes and stockings, and picked up the iron collar from the suitcase. The jingles of the chain and the touch of the cold metal on her bare skin sent a small thrill down her spine. She carefully locked the collar around her neck, and bent down to place the manacles at the end of the chain on her ankles. Then, moving the chain behind her, she fastened the other pair of manacles, attached in the middle of the chain, around her wrists against the small of her back. She hobbled upstairs and stopped at the door to his study. Turning around, she knocked lightly on the door with her fettered hands. "Enter," he commanded briefly. She walked in. He was sitting in a large armchair, facing away from her, and was watching her live performance at the ceremony on videotape. "I'm back, my Lord," she ventured to say. "Hm," was the only answer. She knelt quietly beside his chair, careful to avoid the soft Persian rug. In the dim light, she could not see clearly the expression on his face, and this made her rather nervous. When her performance was over, she saw him nodding approvingly, which relaxed her a little. But by the time her speech started on the screen, she could almost hear her heart pounding against her chest. Vladimir turned off the TV and the VCR after her brief speech ended, but did not say anything. For the next five minutes or so, a thick silence filled the air, interrupted only by the tiny crackles from the burning firewood. Finally, he turned to Jennifer and kissed her on the forehead. "You have done very well tonight, my little one," he whispered. "Congratulations." "Thank you, my Lord." Jennifer kissed his hand in return, finally feeling assured enough to lean on his legs. A contented smile on his bearded face, Vladimir reclined in the chair, and stroked her long wavy hair for a while. Then, detaching her wrist cuffs from the chain, he put his Stradivari violin in her hands. "Play that Schubert piece for me again." She moved to a designated spot by the fireplace, stayed erect on her knees, and started playing. The warm light of the fire danced merrily on her ivory skin, giving it the color tone of Boris Vallejo's nudes. This was a familiar piece. Over the last few weeks she had practiced it hundreds of times in the same position, at the same spot, with him sitting in the same armchair. She could even remember exactly at which notes his whip had stung her unprotected back, or which measures she had been made to repeat again and again while the little teeth of a pair of alligator clamps bit into the tender flesh of her nipples. It was beginning to rain outside the window, but Jennifer did not notice anything. She was swept away by the Danube spring breeze that sprang to life from the strings under her fingers. She had dissolved into the music, and the memories brewed into the music. She hanged her head and closed her eyes when she had finished, immersed in an undescribable satisfaction, almost a kind of orgasm. She felt Vladimir's hands gently caressing her shoulders, and his warm lips kissing her on the back of her neck. "Not bad. Not bad at all." In his vocabulary, this was the highest praise Jennifer could expect for her musical performance. With a jingle of the chain, her collar and handcuffs were removed, but only to be replaced by a heavy wooden stock, which held her wrists on either sides of her neck. Then her anklets were also replaced by a foot-stock. "But you still need to be punished. Do you know why?" "Yes, my Lord," Jennifer answered without opening her eyes. "I know...I'm sorry." "No, you don't, my little one. I'm sure you don't. Do you realize what you did slightly wrong when you introduced the second theme of the andante?"