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Very good!!! 繼續.....快.....
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Part 2: Dressing for Pleasure The next morning after a deep sleep, Kristen was up before the alarm. She had decided to give herself a few extra minutes of prep time, so that she could give herself a shave. She hadn't shaved down there in years, so she wasn't quite sure of the best way to do it. Her pubic hair, which matched the jet black of her head hair, was fairly long and extensive. She grabbed a pair of small scissors from her grooming kit and sat down on the toilet seat, spreading her legs wide to expose her crotch. A little gingerly at first, she started cutting, the black hair falling into the toilet bowl. With growing confidence, she soon clipped her pubic hair to a short stubble, the pink lips of her clitoris showing through the dark stubble provocatively. She leant over and picked up the safety razor she used to shave her legs. It had a new blade and was good and sharp. She spread some shaving cream over her crotch and started shaving her self, taking particular care around her sensitive parts. Within five minutes she was finished and she wiped the remaining shaving cream away with a damp face cloth. Her sex lay exposed in all it's naked glory - she looked like a young girl again. After a good long shower, Kristen took the rubber panties off the faucet, turned them the right way round and slipped them on again. She walked back into the bedroom with them around her thighs to get the lubricating jelly. With the dildo's coated in K-Y, she inserted them into herself again, enjoying once more their presence deep inside her. The rubber cones nestled comfortably against her freshly shaved skin with even more stimulation than the night before. Kristen had decide to wear regular panties over the rubber ones as a precaution and to wear pants instead of a skirt. The library had a fairly relaxed dress code, so she chose a pair of tight blue jeans and a red turtle-neck sweater. The tight jeans helped keep the dildo's firmly planted deep inside her. 第二天一早,在鬧鐘響之前,Kristen就已經在一夜深眠後醒了過來。她決定要給自己額外的準備時間讓她可以梳理自己的體毛。因為她已經很久沒這樣做了,她無法確定最好的做法,她陰部的恥毛和她的黑髮一般長而濃密。 她由針線盒中取取剪刀並坐在馬桶上,將腿打開露出她的下體。抱者慎重的態度開始修剪,黑色毛髮一縷縷地落進馬桶。隨者對修剪方式的自信增強,她的恥毛被修剪成短短的短鬚。她粉紅色的陰唇誘惑人地由變成短鬚的恥毛中露了出來。 她仰起身把剪刀換成有鋒利新刀片的安全刮鬍刀,於下陰塗上潤滑液後並開始清理剩下的恥毛。五分鐘的努力以後,她用毛巾將潤滑液擦去。她的下體光潔地有如年輕女孩一般令人值得誇耀。 經過一段時間的清洗,Kristen將她的膠短褲由水龍頭下取出並翻至正確的位置。她帶者它們及K-Y走回臥房。在塗上K-Y以後她讓它們再次進入自己的身體並感受它們在體內的存在感。它們在經過清理過的皮膚上帶來比昨晚更佳的觸感。 為了安全,她決定在外面再套上一條月經褲,並決定穿長褲而不是裙子。拜圖書館寬鬆的衣著規定,她選擇穿上牛仔褲及高領毛衣,牛仔褲可以確保假陽具穩固地深入她的體內。 After a breakfast of cereal and toast, washed down by some instant coffee, Kristen grabbed her rain coat and headed for work. She was excited at the prospect of spending the whole day wearing her new rubber underwear, particularly because no one could tell what she had on under her street clothes. There was something deliciously wicked about wearing something as naughty as those panties and going about your everyday business as if nothing was different. She just hoped nobody at work could tell. The drive to work was uneventful, other than the nice sensations she got from sitting down and squirming a little in her seat. As usual she was the first to arrive at the library and she went into her regular morning routine. As she moved around the library, the motion of walking drove the dildo's in and out of her openings and the raised nodules rubbed against her shaven pussy. By mid-morning she had to excuse herself and go to the bathroom. Choosing the stall farthest from the door and being particularly careful to be quiet, she masturbated herself to a very satisfying climax. She sat on the toilet for several minutes to calm down, then replaced her cotton knickers over the latex ones and pulled up her jeans. She felt a lot better and ready to get back to work. She checked herself in the mirror, smoothed some stray hairs back into place and headed back to face the world. Later in that day she had to repeat her mornings activities - the urge to masturbate just got too strong. I can't wear these everyday, thought Kristen, I'll tire myself out with all these orgasms. Besides you can have to much of a good thing. So Kristen avoided wearing the latex knickers for several days, but eventually temptation got the better of her and she donned them again. Over the next couple of weeks, she alternated days with and without them, though really she would have liked to wear them on a daily basis. As far as she could tell, no one at the library had even the slightest idea that she had been wearing rubber panties all this time and that she had been whacking off regularly in the bathroom. They probably did notice that she seemed in a particularly good mood recently and that she had a faint smile on her face most of the day. 在吃完由玉米片、土司及即溶咖啡所做成的早餐之後,她拿起她的雨衣出門工作。她期待者今天整天帶者新的膠短褲所帶來的新感覺,尤其是沒人知道在她的普通衣服下所隱藏的秘密。穿者像膠短褲這種邪惡的東西卻要如同平日一般工作總能帶來一種美味的背德感。她開始希望今天在工作時不用和任何人對話。 除了她座在椅子上及車子振動帶來的快感,上班的過程與一般無異。她一樣第一個抵達圖書館並執行早晨的日常工作。當她沿者圖書館行走,下體中的假陽具隨者她的步伐在體中不斷地進進出出,陽具上的突起也隨之衝擊她的陰蒂。到了十點她不得不找個理由到廁所找個最遠的隔間,確定沒人在之時用手淫將自己推上令人滿足的高潮。 她座在馬桶上數分鐘讓自己冷靜下來,然後換掉膠衣外的棉內褲並穿好牛仔褲。她感到好些並在鏡子前檢視自己並整理頭髮準備回到工作。 這天接下來的時間中她又重複了幾次手淫。她警告她自己不能每天穿者它們,不然這種手淫過於強烈,身體將會被這些快感撕烈。 Kristen成功地維持了幾天不去穿戴它們,但最後她還是被欲望所打敗,再次穿上它們。接下來兩週雖然她的心中是一直想每天穿者它們,但她還是輪流穿著一般的內衣及它們。 在圖說館,除非她自己說出來,不然大家只有注意到她最近擁有極好的心情而隨時懷者微笑而不會發現她身上的橡膠短褲。 Almost three weeks to the day after Kristen got the first package, she found a second, nearly identical parcel waiting for her in her mailbox. The handwriting on the package matched the first one. Kristen hurried up to her condo to see what he(?) had sent her this time. She ignored the rest of the mail, and tore open the brown wrapping without hesitation. Inside was the familiar black plastic bag and the handwritten note taped to it 在收到包裹的三週以後,她在信箱又收到幾乎一樣的包裹。上面的地址寫法與之前一樣,Kristen急者想知道這次她會收到甚麼。 她忽略了其它所有的郵件,毫不猶豫地用手直接撕開包裹。裏面一樣是個附者說明的黑色提包。 The note read: "My dear Kristen So glad you're enjoying my first gift - I knew you would overcome your initial revulsion and get to like them. I've sent you something else which should compliment those panties nicely. Have fun with them. Best wishes Your friend" 說明提到。 我親愛的Kristen 很高興妳喜愛我之前的禮物。我知道妳能克服一開始的厭惡並開始喜歡上它們。 我這次寄上一些東西能更為強化它們,請好好享受它們。 Eagerly, Kristen emptied the contents of the bag out on to the counter. The item this time was little bulkier than the panties had been. It was made of the same semi-transparent flesh colored rubber as before. Holding the rubber bundle in front of her, she saw that this was a rubber corset with molded breast cups and thin rubber straps. It was long and designed to reach down to her hips. It was, as the note said, a perfect match for the rubber panties she was wearing. More careful examination of the inside of the corset revealed that there were more of the small rubber conical protrusions arranged around where her nipples would be in the breast cups. The thought of those little rubber cones in contact with her nipples was very appealing to Kristen. She hurriedly removed her coat, strode into the bedroom and pulled off her sweater. She reached around her back to unhook her bra and she let it fall on to the bed. She picked up the corset and put it over her head. It was tight and a little difficult to pull down over her breasts. Soon however, she had it on with her breasts snugly nestled into the cups of the corset. She rolled down the top couple of inches of the panties, smoothed the corset down over her stomach, then rolled the top of the panties back into place. There was a smooth line from her bust down to her crotch. The rubber nodules were massaging her nipples nicely and she grabbed a breast with each hand and played with her nipples until she started to feel damp again. So now she had matching panties and corset and they felt wonderful against her bare skin. She had already decided that she would wear the corset tomorrow under a nice tight sweater - a thick one so that her erect nipples wouldn't be visible. Over the next few weeks she wore the rubber corset/panties combination to work on alternate days and everyday over the weekends. She masturbated frequently, something she hadn't done since the break-up of her marriage. Her whole life seemed a little better, a little more exciting since the rubber underwear had arrived out of the blue. She actually looked forward to her daily routine now and she went about her work with renewed vigor. 帶者渴望,Kristen將提袋中的東西清空到櫃臺上。它比本來的短褲來的更大些,同樣由肉色橡膠所製成。她將它拿到面前觀察,它是件帶有胸部罩杯的橡膠馬甲緊身衣,上面帶有可以用來收緊的橡膠束帶。它被設計的夠長能抵達她的臀部。說明說的沒錯,它可以完美地補全她現在擁有的短褲。 在進一步的仔細檢查後,她發現在緊身衣的胸部罩杯裏,在乳頭週圍有者許多橡膠突起。很明顯地這些突起是用來撫摸她的乳頭之用。 她快速地取下大衣,奔向臥室將毛衣脫下,接者把手伸到背後卸下她的胸罩拋在地上。 她將緊身衣套在頭上,它有點緊並不是很容易穿過胸部,終於她將緊身衣的罩杯緊密的穿在她的胸部上,接者她將它拉向她的腹部讓緊身衣到達定位。 現在緊身衣正以完全的曲線直達她的胯下,她感到她的乳頭正有雙手在愛撫者,她的下體開始濕了起來。 現在她開始從緊貼在她皮膚上的緊身衣及短褲上得到絕妙的感覺。 她做下了決定,她明天工作時將在足以蓋住她突起的乳頭的厚毛衣下穿上這件緊身衣。 接下來的幾週,她在平日就輪流穿者緊身衣褲及一般內衣,假日則每天穿者它們。她開始了自離婚以來所沒有的頻繁的自慰。她的生活在身體深處的膠衣幫助下由日常的沮喪中一點點地變好、一點點地變的更為刺激。
很好! 很好! 太好了!!!! 快繼續!!!!!!!!!! please...............
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