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Very Good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
超级酷的说哦 好象快到高潮阶段了吧
大大加油阿 翻的真是不錯阿 這也是一個學習英文的好機會
Part 7: The cabin 他們駛過鄉間的彎曲小路向小島的北岸而去,Kristen被美麗的風景所吸引。 這座島擁有木製的短渡船塢,最近這邊已經變成由LA退休的加州人最喜歡的地方, 他們開了一陣子直到進入一條環狀道路,她看到在海邊的一間原木房子。 Richard走出車子並走到助手席幫忙Kristen 她站者一分鐘好好享受這美麗的景像及打量者棟房子。 Richard由車廂取出過夜的裝備並走了幾步到鎖緊的前門。 Richard解開門鎖及解除保全然後兩人步入裏面。 Richard在門廳放下兩個包包然後走向裏面的客廳。 Richard這地方真是太神奇了。 當你說你在這島擁有一間木屋,我還以為是小房子,沒想到如此之大。 Richard微笑者。'是阿,它滿大的,不是嗎?Sharon和我在一陣子前買下它。它對我們來說是蠻貴的。' '在花了一筆錢及一年的工時,我把它做為送給她的榮耀。 我們裝備了新屋頂、廚房、主臥房、火爐、網際網路及有線電視,並加裝了備用發電機。' '然後我們更新地板、安裝浴槽並重新裝簧整個房子,並加裝酒吧及往湖邊的甲板。' 'Sharon和我打算全時生活在這裏,然後我在鎮上保有一間公寓。 當然我們的計畫在她死亡時停滯了下來。' '雖然我假日依就還是會過來。' '我可以在四周圍看看嗎?'Kristen開口詢問他,他答到,'當然,讓我來做妳的嚮導。 '他拉起她的手腕走向客廳深處的大型落地窗。從那裏他們的視線可以穿過大型甲板看到漂亮的湖水。 '她的右手邊是由石頭砌成與屋同高的壁爐,她的左側是個有者漂亮的餐卓及四個高背椅的餐廳。 穿過艙門是個擁有閃者銀光的六爐瓦斯爐及冷凍庫的現代化廚房。 在廚房旁邊是個小藥房及Richard的學習、圖書館和電腦室。 一張大木桌佔據這個空間,上面放者Kristen所見過最大的平面電視。 在桌邊是張大乳白色皮製搖搖椅。 在客廳的右邊走廊,走廊一邊是洗衣房及倉庫等小房間、另一邊是兩個房間。 第一間是擁用面對海面的大型落地窗的備用長方型房間,它有者大型床及整面牆的衣櫃。 它也有成套帶有大理石浴缸與淋浴區的洗手間。 Richard帶者她進入擁用面對海面大型床鋪的主臥房。在這張床上可以看到十多碼以外的海面。 這房間擁有大型衣櫥及具備大型八角按摩浴缸與雙人淋浴間的洗手間,Kristen馬上就喜歡上它們了。 它甚至擁有她沒見過的洗臉盆。 當他們回到客廳時RichardKristen'妳喜歡這裏嗎?''我認為妳會像我一樣地喜歡它。' '喜歡,我根本愛上它了,它實在太華麗了。'她邊看者遠方的海及山脈邊回達。 Richard抓起袋子並帶者它們到主臥房,Kristen走到廚房準備咖啡。一個大型銀黑相間咖啡機座落在冰箱旁邊。 她將水罐加入一些冷水並於漏斗裏加入咖啡豆。過了一會,機器開始處理咖啡。當她走回臥室,他正在整理行理。 他曾提醒她只帶一些化粧品及換裝用內衣就好了。我們的週末膠衣計畫中所需的東西都已經在這了。 因為接下來將會有一點暴風雨,所以躲在室內進行我們的膠衣派對是最好的。 'Kristen妳何不到Sharon收集膠衣的房間準備一下。我待會會過去'他邊說邊將空包包丟進衣廚裏。當她懷者好奇走進隔門打開衣櫃,她感到相當驚奇。 在她眼前是她有生以來見過最大量的膠衣收集。吊干上至少一打不同設計及顏色的連體緊身衣。她仔細地研究它們。 包含上週末穿過的貓女服至少有5~6件黑色膠衣,它們由只有腳部的簡易型到全套的膠衣都有。 有一件不僅沒有眼睛孔,甚至在嘴巴及下體具有可打氣的塞具。 她一件件翻過它們,她想者-我實在被寵壞了,我要如何去選擇阿。可惡,這些裝備可以裝備一間商店阿。 除了緊身連身衣,還有大量不同長度及顏色的衣服。 Kristen拿起兩件制服-法式女僕裝與護士服。她看見它們有者半身及全身束衣。 衣櫃的一個抽屜裏面有者大量的內衣,另一個則是有者大量的面具、兜帽及各式膠體、皮革及金屬項圈。 她聽到Richard走了進來,他走到她的旁邊一起看者那些衣服,他對她的驚訝及喜歡發出微笑。 '很棒的收藏,不是嗎?我的妻子喜歡到這裏花費盡可能多的時間在它們上面,有時候當我在工作時,她甚至會著者乳膠裝備一整個禮拜。' '這些太神奇了,我從未看過類似的東西,它們一定很昂貴。' '大約2萬英磅,超過3萬美元,我用英磅計價是因為它們來自英國。我們花了一年時間客制它們。廠商使用我妻子的人型以確保它們符合她的身體。' '人型,你的意思是?'她好奇地問。 '他們使用石膏覆蓋她的身體,然後取下它並用蠟灌注它,所以它會變成她體形的複製品。接者用溶劑清洗它的表面,就會變成如皮膚一樣光滑。' '接者在外頭用特殊的液體乳膠包覆,取下後再加上拉鍊及擴充物件。他們也接受額外的付費以製造兜帽及面具。' '幸運的是妳和Sharon體形相似,所以妳應該可以和它們配合的很好。 Kristen驚訝於大量的準備工作並注意到Richard的妻子已經獻身給她的興趣。她對於她興趣之深或是有多複雜的計畫並沒有概念。 '如果妳仔細觀察它們,你會注意除了和兜帽連接處外,它們沒有一般緊身衣的接縫。' Richard接者說,'那使的膠衣更為堅固,看起來也更漂亮。膜造式膠衣比起片縫式來的脆弱,所以他們用碳纖來強化它讓它們強化到足以承受拉扯。' '這是他們的膠衣如此貴的原因。' kRISTEN抓起一件膠衣並仔細研究它,它除了頸部有一條近乎看不到的縫,這衣服真得很棒,她等不及要穿上它。' 'Richard,我現在就想換上它,可以嗎?' 她問他 , '我現在就想試試它們,它們看起來很棒。妳的妻子有準備任何的假陽具嗎?這些可以讓我忙到明天。' '做吧,我會接者加入妳。床邊的桌子裏有小玩具及潤滑劑。所有的衣服都已經潤滑過了,所以妳可以挑妳喜歡的。' Kristen一開始難以決定要選那一件衣服。最後她了解到她可以都試過它們,它們在那等者她去使用。' 她最後選了藍色及灰色的膠衣,對她來說是新的顏色。她決定今天穿灰色色、明天穿藍色。 Richard在他的臥室裏淋浴時,在櫃子裏所有的乳膠裝備都等者她去體驗。 她開始脫下她的牛仔褲及毛線衣。並把裏面穿的膠緊身衣及膠短褲給脫掉。把它們掛起來晾乾。 她走回臥室穿起灰色連身緊身衣,並加上無指手套及開放式兜帽。還待清乾身體赤裸的他走了進來,幫她拉上拉鍊並鎖了起來。 她順平皺摺並在頸子束上並戴上由抽屜取出的皮項圈。 如同Richard認為的一樣,她們倆就像雙生子一樣。被深色膠衣包住的她實在太棒了,永遠是他的最愛。 當她穿者完成已後,他走回去其它房間並穿上一間與她的衣服相似設計但有手套的黑色連身緊身衣。 這時Kristen找到了床邊桌子抽屜內的假陽具.她選了中型的陰道用陽具及細長的肛門塞。她打開下體的拉鍊並將它們送入身體。 此時的她已經濕到無需潤滑劑就可以插入它們。 當它們就位並讓她感到舒服之時,她正好可以加入Richard幫他拉上拉鍊。 這是她所經歷過最棒的週末,他們穿者膠衣多次的交合、睡眠、讀書及吃飯。他們穿者膠衣淋者雨在沙灘散步。 她在這兩天試了五套連身緊身衣,他們甚至在一般外衣下穿者連身衣外出吃晚餐並享受者別的用餐者路過時尋找溫膠衣漂出香味所帶來的刺激。 很快地,週末過去了。他們回到主島並回歸到工作之中。
Part 7: The cabin As they drove the narrow winding country road towards the north shore of the island, Kristen was taking in the beautiful scenery. The islands, an short ferry ride from Seattle, were heavily wooded and sparsely populated. Lately they had become a favorite retirement spot for wealthy Californians escaping from LA. They drove for a few seconds until the road opened up into a large circular drive way. In the distance behind the house was the sea. Richard got out of the car, went around to the drivers door and helped Kristen out. She stood for a minute enjoying the beauty of the scene and admiring the house. Richard collected the overnight backs from the trunk and together they went down the half dozen steps to the front door, which looked massive and solid. Richard unlocked it, stepped inside and disarmed the security system and Kristen followed him in. Richard put the two bags down in the entrance foyer and took the two steps down into the sunken living room "Wow, this place is fantastic Richard. When you said you had a cabin on the island I was thinking of some little one-room shack. This house is huge" Richard smiled. "Yes it is great isn't it. Sharon and I bought it awhile ago - it was in quite a mess when we got it. But a lot of money and about a year of work got her back to her former glory. We put in a new roof, kitchen, master bathroom, fireplace, we wired it for a computer network and cable, added a back-up generator. Then we replaced the deck, put in a hot-tub and redecorated the whole place It even has a wine cellar and beach access. Sharon and I intended to live here full-time and I'd keep an apartment in town. But of course all our plans went to hell when she died. I still come out here on weekends though. "Can I take a look around?, Kristen asked him "Sure, let me give you the guided tour." Richard took her elbow and they moved to the huge floor-to-ceiling windows that dominated the end of the main room. From there they could see the water past the large deck. To her right was a massive stone fireplace running the full height of the room. Off to one side was the dining area with a beautiful cherry table and four high back chairs. A pass-through hatch opened into the kitchen. The kitchen was very modern with a gleaming steel six-burner gas stove in a central island and a matching refrigerator. Next to the kitchen was a small powder room and beyond that was Richard's study/library/computer room. A large cherry wood desk dominated the room and on it sat the largest flat-screen monitor Kristen had ever seen. Behind the desk was a large cream leather rocker-recliner. Back in the living room a hallway led off to the left. On one side of the hall were some sundry small rooms - storage, laundry etc. On the other were the two main bedrooms. The first bedroom, which Richard referred to as the spare, was a large rectangular room with more of the picture windows facing the water. It had a queen-size bed and along one wall were matching closets. The bedroom had it's own en-suite bathroom with marble tub and shower. Richard led her into the master bedroom which had a huge king-size four poster bed facing the water. From the bed one could look out at the sea just tens of yards away. It had a large walk-in closet and the bathroom, which Kristen immediately fell in love with, had a large octagonal black Jacuzzi tub and a walk-in shower for two. It even had a bidet which Kristen had never actually seen in the flesh before. "Well what do you think, love?", Richard asked Kristen as they went back into the living room. "Think you could get to like this place as much as I do?" "Like it? I love this house - it's spectacular", she replied, looking out of the windows at the sea and mountains on the horizon. Richard collected the bags and placed them in the master bedroom while Kristen went into the kitchen to make some coffee. A big silver and black Krups coffee maker stood near the fridge on the polished concrete counter. She filled the pitcher with some ice water and added the freshly ground beans to the hopper. Within a minute the machine was starting to drip coffee. She went back into the bedroom where Richard was unpacking his bag. He had told her she didn't need to bring much - just some toiletries, cosmetics, one change of clothes. This weekend was intended to be a rubber vacation and everything she needed was already here. The weather forecast was predicting some stormy weather for the next few days - perfect for staying indoors, all rubbered up and enjoying each other's company. "Kristen, why don't you go into the other room and pick out something from Sharon's collection - that's where she used to keep everything. I'll be with you in a minute", he said as he put her empty bag into the closet. Intrigued, Kristen hurried next door and threw open the closet. She stood back in amazement. There before her eyes was the largest collection of rubber gear she had ever seen. Hanging from the rod must have been at least a dozen catsuits of varying colors and designs. She examined them more closely. There was five or six black ones - including the Catwoman suit she had worn the previous weekend. They ranged from a simple suit with feet, but no gloves or hood (no doubt to be worn under street clothes), to all-enveloping suits with gloves, hoods and other extras. One even had a pump-up gag with attached inflator in the mouth, similar bulbs at the crotch and no eye holes. Talk about spoilt for choice, she thought as she touched each one in turn, how am I going decide which one to wear. Shit, you could outfit a store with all this stuff. In addition to all the catsuits, there was a large number of dresses, short and long in various colors. There was also a couple of uniforms - a French maid and a nurse - hanging with them. Kristen saw some corsets in with them - half-Basque and full. Opening the drawers in the closet revealed a whole range of undergarments - bras. briefs, stockings - and a another drawer contained a variety of hoods and masks, collars in rubber, leather and steel. She heard Richard enter the room behind her and he stood with her looking at the closet full of rubber clothing. He smiled at her recognizing her surprise and delight. "Quite a collection isn't it? My wife just loved coming up here and spend as much time as possible wearing nothing but rubber. Sometimes when I was away on business she spend a whole week up here all rubbered up" "This is amazing, Richard - I've never seen anything like it. This lot must have cost a fortune" "I guess there's about twenty thousand pounds - over thirty thousand dollars - worth in there. I say pounds because they all come from England. We went over there a few years ago and had them all custom made. They actually made a body cast for her and molded them to her exact shape" "Body cast - what do you mean", Kristen asked curiously "Well they cover the body in a plaster cast, cut it down the back and make a wax mold out of it, so it's an exact copy of the original. Then they dip into some solvent for a few minutes to remove a thin layer all over, so that it'll be a size or two smaller for a real skin-tight fit. They put into a bath of special liquid latex and out comes the suit. They add zippers and extras afterwards. They also made a separate cast of the head for making masks and hoods. Luckily you and Sharon are very close in size and shape, so you should be able to fit into everything just fine. " "Just how did your wife get to be interested in rubber in the first place, Richard? It's kind of unusual for women to be into latex", Kristen asked. Kristen was amazed at the amount of work and attention Richard's former wife had devoted to her 'hobby'. She had no idea that her rubber fetish ran so deep or involved such complicated planning. "If you look closer at one of those catsuits, you'll notice there are none of the usual seams you get on glued suits, except where they attached the hood to the suit.", Richard continued,. "that makes the suits stronger and look better. As molded latex is usually intrinsically weaker than sheet latex, they used a special reinforcing compound - actually graphite microfibers - which strengthen the rubber but still allow it to stretch. That's why the suits cost nearly a thousand dollars each". Kristen pulled one of the catsuits off it's hanger and examined it closely. It did indeed have only one seam at the neck, almost invisible. The suit was certainly very well made and she couldn't wait try one on. "Richard, Id like to get changed - is that okay?", she asked "I just dying to try one of these suits on. They look so yummy. Did your wife keep any dildoes around the house? That'll keep me busy until tonight" "Go ahead, I'll join you soon. There should be some toys and lubricant in the bedside table over there. All the suits are powdered, so just choose any one." Kristen had a hard time deciding which one to try on first. Then she realized that she could try them all over time - they were hers to use. Eventually it came down to a choice between the blue one and the pewter one, both new colors for her. The gray on today, she decided, and the blue tomorrow. There, that was easy. While Richard was busy showering in the master bathroom, Kristen stepped out of her jeans and sweater. She was wearing the rubber corset and panties underneath and reluctantly she removed those too. all that rubber in the closet had got her going. She rinsed out the panties and hung them up to dry. Back in the bedroom she got herself into the pewter gray catsuit, which had attached, feet, fingerless gloves and am open-faced hood. She had it most of the way on when Richard entered the room, still naked and drying himself. He helped her zip the suit up and locked the zippers together. She smoothed out all the wrinkles then took a studded rubber and leather collar from the drawer and fastened it around her neck. As Richard had hoped it was perfect fit - the two women could have been twins - and Kristen looked stunning in the dark gray outfit, always one of his favorites. With Kristen in her suit, he went back to the other bedroom and changed himself into a black catsuit of similar design to Kristen's except that it had full gloves Meanwhile Kristen had discovered the dildoes in the drawer of the bedside table. She selected a medium size vaginal dildo and a long slim butt-plug; she opened up the zipper over her crotch and slipped the members in. She was so wet by now she needed no lubricant -or lubri'cunt' as she jokingly called it. With them comfortably in place and feeling really good, she rejoined Richard just in time to help zip up. The weekend turned out to be the most fun she'd ever spent. They fucked (a lot), slept, read and ate in rubber. They walked the beach, protected against the rain in rubber. She tried on five suits over the next couple of days. They even went out to dinner one night with rubber catsuits under their street clothes and both could hardly contain their amusement when the other diners starting sniffing the air at the sweet aroma of warm latex that emanated from their table. All too soon the weekend came to an end and it was back to the mainland, reality and work.
楼主辛苦了。 马上到本文的高潮章节,期待中。
漸入高潮啦!!! 樓主加油!!!