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Post photos in this forum

Can we post photos in this forums? I have photos of my gf and her sister tied up together... (You can reply in chinese)
I think so. I have seen others post their photos before. You are a lucky guy man, how the hell did you manage to get both of them tied up and take photos? I have some photos that I have taken myself previously. Maybe we can do a little exchange? Send me a private message if you are interested. Would also love to discuss SM and exchange some ideas. Cheers
啊!!! 如果你貼出來,大家一定支持的!!!! (記住要得gf and her sister 同意啊!) 同上大家可以交流一下,樓上的都是啊,交個朋友吧!!
but how to post photos in this forum?
你見到右上或最下一貼下面的 "回復" 和"新貼"嗎? 內有增加連結的 function (link)
嘩!!! 好正,仲有無!!!
i'll post it later la
damn! This is great!! Pls post more
You can also post photos in this forums: http://www.hkbdsm-bbs.com/bbs/ 紫荊認證論壇