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forniphilia writing find someone to tran

Ding Dong Copyright 2005 www.forniphilia.info Chapter One The girl stood on the front porch. She was tall and lithe, unusually pretty, her lightly tanned face framed exquisitely by her long, dark hair. Her wavy locks, raven black and shining in the morning sun, cascaded halfway down her back. The girl was indeed pretty – but her hair was startling beautiful, the kind of hair that drew admiring stares from men and envious glances from women. She was covered nearly head to toe in a full-length trench coat, looking like a cliché version of a movie spy. The coat covered her well, but not even the thick and padded material could hide the ripe curves of the girl underneath: even with the coat on, there was no mistaking the ample curve of her hips, the full promise of her heavy breasts, the lush perfection of her youthful flesh. She raised her hand towards the doorbell – and then froze, her finger poised in inch away from the circle of faintly glowing plastic. Dropping her hand back to her side, she sighed heavily. The girls toyed with the belt around her middle, fidgeting nervously, looking down at her hands. Finally, with a new look of determination on her softly sculpted features, she reached up and jabbed the button. Repeatedly. No sound came from within the house. Of course, she thought. The doorbell just had to be broken. The perfect start to my first paid modeling gig. With another quavering sigh, she reached up and rapped the door with her knuckles. The door was massive, thick mahogany; it went well with the equally massive Tudor mansion, the vast house she was standing in front of. The wood was cold; it hurt her fingers to knock. In frustration, she started pounding with the heel of her palm. When the door opened suddenly, she stepped back, surprised. The man in the door was tall, at least 6’ 2”; from the well-worn look of his tanned face, she guessed he was in his 40’s, maybe older – but the mischievous sparkle in his deep blue eyes made him seem younger. When he spoke, his voice was low and rich. “Ah, you must be Kim!” he said. The girl nodded, almost shyly. “I’m James Black. Just call me James … or Jim.” She extended her dainty hand in greeting. As their hands met, she smiled, a warm, bright smile that turned the pretty girl into something approaching beautiful. “Hi, James … I’m Kim.” “Sorry about the doorbell! I’ve been meaning to get that fixed … as a matter of fact, I’m going to get it fixed today.” Chapter Two James inexplicably winked at her and smiled, then guided her into his home, closing the door firmly behind her. “Lovely to make your acquaintance, Kim! Welcome to my home! Shall we get started right away?” Kim nodded reluctantly, still a bit nervous. James led her into a large, almost empty room to the right. Kim looked about, eyes wide, confused. The room was almost devoid of furniture – which seemed awfully strange in such an elegant mansion. She opened her mouth to question him … and then closed it again quickly. No point in angering the man. She needed his money. “Now, Kim … Am I right that you’re new to the world of modeling?” James asked. “Yes. This is my first time, really. At least getting paid for it.” James smiled broadly. “Speaking of getting paid – let’s take care of that part right away, shall we?” He reached inside his jacket and pulled out an envelope, handing it to Kim. She glanced inside quickly, and her eyes widened. It was more money than she’d been promised; in fact, it was more money than she’d ever seen in her life. “Are we all set as far as payment, then?” James asked. “Oh – yes – definitely!” Kim replied. “Now you do know this will involve some nude modeling, right?” Kim nodded. “Did you wear the French maid outfit I sent?” “Yes. It’s under my coat right now.” “Well, let’s get you out of that coat then, shall we? We’ll take a few pictures with the outfit on until you feel comfortable enough to disrobe, okay?” Kim shrugged, trying to appear nonchalant – when in reality she was terrified. She opened the coat slowly and let it slide to the floor. There was no furniture in the room to hang it on; in fact, the only piece of furniture in the room at all was a small cupboard in the corner. James left the room for a moment. As she listened to his footsteps receding, she tried to relax – tried to calm herself. James was handsome; his confident manner soothed her. She still couldn’t imagine being naked in front of a stranger, but it was becoming more imaginable by the second. Perhaps even a little bit exciting. Kim felt her knees tremble ever so slightly, sense a warm glow in her chest, a faint dampness between her legs. After a few moments, James returned – with a very expensive looking 35 millimeter camera hanging from a strap around his neck. With an inviting smile on his face, he raised the camera. “Okay, Kim … how about a few shots in the maid’s costume?” She stood up and began to pose for him. But she was anxious and awkward. Her attempts to be sexy seemed juvenile, amateurish. This modeling thing was harder than she’d thought. Nevertheless, James encouraged her, teasing her gently, pushing her to adopt more daring poses. “That’s it, Kim,” he said. “You’re beautiful. Stunning. Now face me and bend forward, show me some of that cleavage. Yes. Perfect. Like that!” She did everything he asked, trying not to blush, feeling herself falling out of the too-small outfit, feeling his eyes on her barely covered flesh. After what seemed an eternity, James paused to put a new roll of film into the camera. He looked at her, eyebrows raised questioningly. “Well?” She giggled. “Well, what?” “Are you ready to take that next step … to lose the outfit?” Kim giggled again, feeling herself get giddy, a little bit hysterical. Her strange new friend was sensitive to her nervousness, gentle and kind. He took her by the arm and led her into another room – a room that actually had some furniture in it, and a fully serviced bar stretching along one wall. James gestured towards a dark leather couch by the window. “Sit down, Kim. I’ll pour us a couple of drinks, see if we can get you to relax a bit!” Relieved, Kim nodded. After some rattling around behind the bar, James handed her a small glass full of amber liquid. She sniffed it – definitely Scotch, and not the cheap stuff. A double shot, too. She knew she could use it; it might stop her knees from shaking, her heart from racing. James smiled at her again and lifted his glass. “Cheers!” he said. “Cheers!” she replied, mustering as much enthusiasm as she could. The alcohol was still burning a slow trail of warmth down her throat when she suddenly felt weak. Kim leaned back against the couch and reached out with one hand, reaching for James. She dropped the glass to the floor, as the world began to spin slowly. Everything faded to a dim shadow … and then to black. Chapter Three Kim awoke later. Minutes, hours, days, she didn’t know how long it had been. She opened her eyes, puzzled at that strange, constrained feeling in her arms and legs. And then her eyes flew open in horror. She was lying on the thickly carpeted floor of the main room – that strangely empty room where she’d posed for pictures. She was entirely naked, not a stitch of clothing on her body. Worse yet, she was tied up with seemingly endless coils of rope, her arms and legs completely immobilized; a thick rag was jammed in her mouth, tied off behind her head. She could feel the knot, large and uncomfortable. Her head was still spinning, she was trying to figure out where she was, what had happened … when she heard a click and whir, over and over. The unmistakable sound of a camera. She squirmed on the floor, moving like some sensuous, brazenly naked caterpillar, wiggling around until she could see the other side of the room. James was standing there, the camera held to his face, taking picture after picture. When he stopped to slap in another roll of film, their eyes met. He grinned at her, a look that was darkly cold … and clearly delighted. “Hi there!” he said cheerily. “Nice to have you back!” Kim drew in a breath, inhaling as deeply as she could with the ropes tied around her bare chest … and let out the loudest scream she could muster, yelling as long as she could, trying to shatter the windows and rupture his ear drums. To her dismay, all that came out of her throat was a muffled moan and a pitiful squeak. James laughed out loud, and tears began to stream down her face. “Oh, come now!” James said, chuckling again. “I was going to see you naked anyways. So just relax and have fun!” He started to move around her, taking pictures from every angle. Kim’s breasts were extraordinarily large, full and ripe, yet almost perfectly shaped, round teardrops of flesh. Even sitting up, hunched in the corner, they didn’t droop an inch. Her nipples were dark red, almost cherry in color, and almost impossibly wide … the size of silver dollars, so large a man could barely hide one with his palm. Her skin was tan and smooth; her body was hairless. As James gazed through the viewfinder, he saw that Kim’s pussy was smoothly shaven, slick and pink, as soft and innocent as young girl’s hidden flower. When James approached her, Kim tried to scream again. She lashed out, trying to kick him with both feet, but James nimbly stepped out of the way. “Now, now!” he admonished. “Play nice!” James roughly flipped her over so her belly was on the carpet, her ass poking up into the air. He leaned close to take pictures of her from behind, the smooth lips of her pussy neatly on display. As Kim squirmed, he reached down and spanked her playfully, then began to fondle her taut, firm ass, squeezing each cheek roughly. He reached underneath her, grabbing her left breast in his hand, feeling her nipple grow hard and erect under the rough, calloused skin of his palm. Turning her over, he reached down with both hands to tweak her nipples, pinching them hard enough to bring tears to her eyes again. She gasped, then moaned … but he noticed that her nipples stayed erect, and she was glistening between her legs. Kim lost count of how many rolls of film he took, capturing every inch of her flesh, memorializing her humiliation for all time. Chapter Four “So …” James began, “do you think your friends and family will like these pictures?” Kim’s eyes grew wide. She shook her head side to side, violently. “Oh! You don’t want me to publish these?” She shook her head even more insistently. “Would you do whatever I ask to make sure that never happens?” She nodded slowly. “Anything at all?” Kim thought about it … and finally nodded again. She would do whatever he asked to make sure this horrible day never became public. James smiled and patted her on the head. “Good girl! Well, here’s all you have to do! I’m going to release one of your hands … and you have to behave. Then just sign the form I put in front of you, and these pictures will never see the light of day.” He pulled a piece of paper from his jacket pocket and laid it on the ground beside her, then untied her right hand and put a pen between her shaking fingers. “Now sign, please,” he said. She looked at the document. It looked like a resignation letter … a letter informing her modeling agency that she was quitting. Kim looked up at James, confused and scared. He nodded and pointed. “Just sign the letter, okay?” Kim had no choice. She scribbled her signature across the bottom of the page, and James quickly tied her arm back to her side. “You’re being such a good little girl!” James said, beaming at her. “Now would you like me to let you go?” Kim nodded eagerly, pleading with her eyes. “And would you do anything I ask?” She looked at him carefully. The massive bulge in the front of his pants was clearly visible; Kim knew what he had in mind. But she’d do anything to be free. Reluctantly, she nodded again. “Anything at all?” Another helpless nod. James’ smile grew wider and friendlier. “Wonderful! Well, as you may have noticed, this room is somewhat lacking in furniture and accoutrements.” She didn’t understand where this was going. The man was rambling, making no sense. “Well, I need you to help me fix up this grand old manor. I’m starting with this room, and I’d like you to help me furnish it. But as you may have noticed, I’m missing a doorbell … so I thought we’d start with that. Now would you be willing to help?” Kim still had no idea what exactly he was talking about. But she had no other choice but to go along with whatever his game was. She shrugged and nodded. “Great!” he said. “I’ll be right back. Hold on.” James left the room again, returning with a large duffel bag. From inside the bag, she could hear metallic clanking. She looked at him questioningly. He smiled. “Oh, this is just a bunch of stuff to help me make my doorbell! Now let’s get started. I’ll be gentle, okay?” Without another word, James reached down and grabbed Kim around the middle, half-dragging her to her feet. He pulled her over to that single piece of furniture, the small cabinet, then pushed down on her shoulders. Kim looked at him, confused again. “Oh, sorry, sweetie,” he explained, “I need you to get into the cupboard. Just climb in on your knees. The bottom is carpeted, it should be nice and comfy.” She did as she was told – she had no choice. “Okay … now I need to close the two sides of the top. They’ll fit right around your neck, it won’t hurt at all. But you’ll have to hold still while I do this.” Kim looked at the top of the cupboard – and began to panic. She realized that there was a half-moon hold in the side of each flap, attached to the cupboard with a hinge. When they were closed, there would be a circular hole in the top … apparently with her head sticking out. Once he closed the top, she’d be completely helpless, trapped around the neck, her nude lower body completely exposed. Suddenly, she began to fight, struggling to escape, desperate to get away. But it was no use – he was far too strong. In seconds he’d forced her to her knees and slammed the top down, the wood encircling her neck. A metal attachment around the circle was tightened like a brace, holding her head and neck completely immobile. She was at his mercy. Chapter Five And James took full advantage of her helplessness. Everything he did terrified her, and she understood none of it. Worst of all, he whistled and smiled the whole time, clearly enjoying his work. He slipped a tight, dark leather mask over her head, then unzipped small slits that covered her eyes and ears; the damp rag in her mouth was replaced by a tight pump gag that silenced her cries for help. Inside the cupboard, her body was contorted into an awkward position; while her head was straight up, her body was stuck on all fours, ass high in the air, her pendulous breasts hanging down and swinging gently side to side. Kim couldn’t see what James was doing … but she felt every touch, every invasion of her flesh. He pulled two metallic objects from his bag … and then she felt cold steel clamped over one nipple, then he other. She tried to scream, but all she did was shake her body a bit … and heard the jingle and clatter of ringing bells. “Ah!” James said. “I guess that part will work fine!” Next she felt something stiff and cold pressing against her most private area, the hardness pushed up against the lips of her pussy. She tried to squirm away, but could barely move. “Oh, stop!” James said, chuckling. “It won’t hurt!” With that, he slowly slid the object into her. It was long, hard, bigger than any man she’d been with. James looked at her and laughed. “Do you know what I’m doing yet?” Kim could only stare. “Well, let me show you, little girl!” James reached into the bag again and came out with a lampshade trailing several wires. He placed the lampshade firmly on head, then snaked the wires down into the cupboard through the next hole. She cold feel him fiddling around with the object in her pussy; each movement sent unwelcome thrills of pleasure through her body. James leaned back on his knees, studying his work. “Well … shall I test it?” he asked. Kim looked at him, begging him with her eyes not to do whatever it was he had planned. James ignored her. He reached up and pulled the chain switch on the lampshade, just like he was turning on a light. Instead, she heard a mechanical clanking noise, and then the object jammed in her vagina began sliding in and out of her, fucking her quickly and deeply. Kim closed her eyes and moaned. “Ah! It works perfect, doesn’t it? Well, ready for the final step, aren’t we?” He pulled the chain and the machine stopped. Kim was terrified, but she almost wanted to beg him to pull the chain again. The sexual release had been intensely pleasurable, an escape from her terror. James read her mind. “I see you liked that, little one. We’ll see if you like this part as much. Somehow, I don’t think so.” He fumbled around in his bag again, pulling something else out, another long, metallic object, again trailing wires. Wait! Where is he going to put that?! Kim panicked and tried to escape, struggling violently. She only managed to bruise her neck and shoulder. The bells dangling from her swollen nipples rang out beautifully. “I guess you’ve figured out where this is going!” James said, laughing again. “Well, get ready, because here it comes!” Chapter Six He slathered some sort of sticky lubricant all over the cold steel, and then without warning jammed the hard object into her ass. He pulled her cheeks apart with one strong hand, and slid the object even deeper. Kim screamed. She’d never had a man inside her, not inside there, not like that. She was horrified, humiliated. “There, there. All done now,” James said, patting her bottom. She felt him doing something with the object shoved into her rectum; she could feel it moving slightly. It was like the dildo jammed in her vagina – he was attaching the wires to something. But what? And why? After several long minutes, James stepped back and stood up, admiring his handy work. He gathered his tools and placed them in the bag, then carried the bag out of the room, living Kim alone. Helpless. Violated. Unable to move, barely able to breathe. When he returned, he reached down and closed both of the cabinet doors, hiding her body from view. Only her head was visible … and she knew that even if a hundred policeman were standing right in the room with them, they’d see nothing but a unique sort of lamp. New age art. They’d never suspect the furniture was alive, an innocent young girl held captive. James nodded, obviously satisfied with his work. “Well, Kim – have you figured it out yet?” She closed her eyes, trying to wish him away. “Why, my dear … you’ve helped me fix my doorbell. In fact … you are my doorbell. Do you remember that metal rod I shoved up your cute little bum?” Kim’s eyes flew open. No! She thought. It can’t be! “Ah! You do understand now. That piece of metal shoved in your tight little hole is specially designed to conduct electricity … and its now attached to the doorbell by the front door. When I have a visitor, a rather strong – but perfectly safe – electric shock will run through your body, starting right there in that cute little ass of yours. You will shake and shiver, from both pleasure and pain … but you’ll shake, I promise you.” Kim stared at him, stunned, hopeless and helpless. She understood all at once what the bells were for – those painful, heavy bells hanging from her nipples. She understood every facet of his cruel plan. James saw it in her eyes – saw her understanding. He grinned. “Ah, Kim. Isn’t this fun? You’ve been just perfect! And I really thank you for helping me to decorate my new home!” All of a sudden the most intense pain she’d ever experienced coursed through Kim’s body; she shook and quivered, her body tightening in an uncontrollable spasm as electricity shot through her; the dildo slid in and out of her, deep and hard, and her breasts trembled. The bells dangling from her nipples shook, ringing clear and bright. “Ah … we have company, I see!” James said happily. “I think that must be my chair, arriving early for her appointment!” THE END Conversion of Jasmine Jasmine and Mike had been together for a year now, they had a good strong relationship and a healthy sex life. Mike had no complaints with Jasmines body as it got him hard whenever she stripped and showed off her assets. She kept it in shape by visiting the gym regularly; she loved showing it off as much as she did giving it exercise. Jasmine was 21 and had the most amazing breasts, and she knew it - her wardrobe focussed on making sure everyone noticed the 36” assets. They were large, firm and her nipples very sensitive and were often showed off with the low tops she would choose. Her tanned skin, and dark hair really emphasised her sexuality, she was a great catch and Mike knew he was lucky. Even with all this Mike wanted more. He wanted Jasmine to be more open minded - she was repulsed at the thought of anal sex and wasn’t into anything kinky. He had tried talking to her about it but she seemed very closed-minded about the whole idea of it. Not that she didn’t enjoy sex - she loved it, she was often grabbing at Mikes pants, teasing him and telling him she wanted it in her, fucking her, cumming in her - she knew how to get Mike hard. Mike knew that there was no way of talking Jasmine around to his way of thinking, she needed to make this decision on her own. He needed to change the way she thought. That evening Mike came home to find Jasmine waiting in the kitchen for him, she was wearing her favourite low black top, her breasts practically bursting out, he knew she had sex on her mind. That suited him just fine. He poured her a drink of her favourite wine and quickly slipped in a liquid sedative to put her in a more cooperative mood. It didn’t take long to entice Jasmine to bed. As she quickly stripped for him he looked on at her luscious full body and what he had in mind for it. Her tits round and firm in front of him as she bounced up and down on his hard cock. She really put effort into this, loving the feeling of mikes cock all the way up inside her, forcing her groin against his to get every inch up inside her. She knew she felt tired after sex, but was surprised to feel tired now, as she continued to move her body and show off her ‘Class A’ tits to Mike. Slowly, she began bouncing with a little less passion and moved her hands onto Mikes chest to support herself, then slowly moving her head down to rest on mikes chest as she raised and dropped her hips not wanting the pleasure to stop. After a minute of this she lay motionless with Mike still inside her. He wrapped his arms around her and savoured the moment. Drugged and helpless Jasmines torment would soon start. Now Jasmine lay naked on the floor, stripped and vulnerable. Her tanned and toned body on view, mike fought the perverted desire to use her there and then. He knew he had bigger plans for her. Being an accomplished handyman Mike had thought long and hard about how to get Jasmine into a position where she would be helpless to do anything but listen and obey. He wanted her to be nothing more than a toy to play with, instilling automated responses from her, taking her far away from the world of freedom and choice she was in now. He wanted to make her learn that she was there to be useful to him and nothing more, to derive her own pleasure by pleasing him. Rolling his sedated girlfriend over he spread her legs wide, and pushed her knees up a little to spread her tight ass cheeks that little bit wider. Then he reached for the lubricant. This wasn’t for her pussy, she was still plenty wet there, but he thought it was about time that she had something up her ass - he loved the thought of filling her there and her unable to do a thing about it. He slowly pushed his finger up her tight ass, making sure there was plenty of lubricant to let him continue with his plan. His finger moving around inside her ass, then two fingers, he imagined fucking her there, as she let her inhibitions go and beg him to fill her. Soon, her ass was as slippery as her pussy and he pulled his fingers out. As she lay on the floor, her firm tits were keeping her chest propped up a little, her arms lying at her sides. Her slowly pulled her arms behind her and reached for a latex arm-binder he had recently bought from an online shop, Mike had hidden this along with some other items he knew would have freaked her out. Pulling her arms behind her he began to slide her arms into the arm-binder, he had to work hard to pack her hands and arms fully inside the black latex material. But soon her arms were completely inside and he zipped them up, making sure there was no give as the zip locked shut just below her elbows, making sure Jasmine would realise there was no way her arms were going to help her. He reached under the bed and brought out a long metal pole. It was a pole with a difference - one end was designed to lock into a small hole he had created under the nearby lampshade, it had a metal bracket covering it to allow the pole to lock into position. In the centre of the pole ran some electrical cable. This was what would help him change his girlfriends attitude. Wanting to make sure she felt as alone and helpless as possible he picked up a small black latex mask and began pulling this over her head. Threading her long blonde hair through a hole in the top, the mask fitted tightly against her skin, with only two small holes by her nostrils and a hole for her mouth she was blinded from the outside world. Once this was securely on around her head, Mike strapped her body to the top of the pole, once just above her tits, once below and once around her waist. Tightly pulling these straps she was tightly pressed against the pole. Mike placed a thick padded leather collar around Jasmines neck, he wanted this to serve two purposes, to remind her that she was owned and his property, and to keep her stable and comfortable as she remained pinned to the pole. The back of the collar had an attachment that locked tightly against the pole, she would not be able to move this one inch from its position. It would hold her tight as the padded leather kept her neck motionless and in position. Mike slowly began to lift the pole up, pivoting it on its end, kicking the lampshade away he guided the pole into its hole, leaving his helpless, soon to be slave, on display for him. Now Jasmine was upright, held in place by the tight straps around her body and the strong leather collar around her neck. As Mike admired her naked body he gently ran his mouth over her beautiful tits, holding her ass in his hands as his tongue slowly traced its way over her nipples. He was already hard and needed some relief, but knew that what would happen to Jasmine next, would be worth the wait. Standing back he gently kicked her legs apart a little to expose her pussy, with her upper body supported she was like a lifeless doll. Now he reached for a special device that would help him convert his clean living girlfriend into an obedient bondage slut who would crave to obey his every whim. It was a small metal block. Attached into this block were two dildos, one was 12” and 2” in diameter, the other 6” long and a little thinner than the first. At the back of the block was a metal clamp that locked around the pole. Mike clipped this around the pole and slowly he slid this up the pole until the tip reached Jasmines defenceless pussy. Relishing the view of these dildos slowly disappearing up inside Jasmines pussy and ass he found the lubricant in her ass let the dildo enter easily. Smiling, he continued to fill her body with these large dildos he saw the last inch disappear up inside her, once full he tightened the clamp around the pole, there was no way that they could be removed without Mike loosening the bolts. Now she was ready he pushed her legs tightly together, and placed four straps tightly around her legs, one around her thighs, one just above her knees, one below and the last just above her ankles - she wasn’t going anywhere. As her feet didn’t quite touch the ground there was no way she could even try and push off from them to try and upset her balance. Now Mike picked up a penis gag made of strong black rubber, pulling Jasmines mouth open he pushed it into her, knowing that she would be shocked to awake with all her holes full. With her mouth full, the only hole in her mask was to allow her to breathe through her nose, she was totally cut off, and wholly reliant on Mike. The gag strapped tightly around the back of her head and had a wire that ran down the pole into the block section that housed her pussy and ass dildo. They would soon be working together. Mike knew that, if nothing else, Jasmine would at least serve him with a useful purpose, and as her head was already covered with the tight latex mask he thought he should cover it with a special fitting. So he had a light shade made which would cover the top half of her head, just leaving her jaw visible. The shade was placed on her head by tightening a plastic strap around her forehead, this having a metal bracket which also clamped tightly to the pole behind her, combined with her collar this left he head completely immobile. The shade housed a standard light bulb, this got its power from wires feeding back down into the pole and into the wall socket. She now stood rigid as a lampshade for her boyfriend. Of course her tits were on show and her holes packed full with dildos as she began obedience training, but a lampshade nonetheless. Unwilling to wait for her to come round, Mike open a bottle of smelling salts and wafted them under the holes by her nostrils. Suddenly her body shook and he heard a grunt escape from her gagged mouth. She was awake now, but would soon wish she wasn’t. Slowly coming round she tried to move her arms, only to find the arm-binder keeping them tightly in place. Surprised by the hood over her face she wondered if she had been kidnapped and bound by an intruder, but then hears Mikes voice. 'I know you would do anything for me, and now you will. Feeling full?' Jasmine shocked with the realisation that she is on forced display for her boyfriend began to shout only to realise her mouth is packed full with the rubber cock. As she struggles she really begins to feel the large dildos inserted into her - her highly sexed personality loving the feel of the large intruders - her emotions betraying her revulsion of being penetrated in her virgin ass, and not by any small measure. Loving the view of his girlfriend in front of him, Mike begins stroking her tits and watching as her nipples became hard, enjoying the control of her body and knowing that would unfold may change her forever. He reached for his camera to capture this moment forever, making sure he took shots from all angles of her bound, impaled, helpless form. ‘I want you to use your imagination Jasmine, that’s why you are here, I want you to think about your situation and know that to free yourself you must do as I say.’ As worried as she was, she knew she didn’t want to stay here impaled on these two oversized dildos - she needed to get free. ‘The gag you feel in your mouth is very important, it is cock shaped for a reason, you must learn that to feel good you must suck on it when it is filling your mouth, that is what you are for. Whilst you do this the dildos inside you will gently vibrate giving you some pleasure.’ ‘Every 30 minutes I will come back and remove your gag and ask you how you should be treated. If you reply with something acceptable I will free you. If not you will continue to suck and learn to be obedient’ Mike flicked the switch at the back of the pole, this turned on the twin dildos and as expected Jasmine just continued to struggle, straining against her bonds. After 5 seconds a huge electrical surge was sent into the dildos inside her pussy and ass. Her whole body immediately tensed, her pussy and ass gripped the dildos, and then screamed insanely at the pain that was sent into her most sensitive areas. Her whole body shook, even her firm tits shook, showing how powerful the shocks were. ‘Try sucking for once slut’ Shocked by Mikes harsh words, terrified she put her lips tightly around the cock and slowly sucked, just keeping composure enough to realise whilst she did this there was no longer any pain. Having just experienced the extreme pain in her body, Jasmine knew she just had to suck her oral intruder, as much as she hated the feeling in her mouth she just couldn’t take that kind of pain. She hated Mike for putting her in this situation, not knowing he was now close to her watching her cheeks pull in against her gag enjoying the sight of her forced cock-sucking training. Still feeling the painful effects from the electric shock, Jasmine began to wish she had been more adventurous when she had the chance, she couldn’t believe that she was now helpless impaled on dildos, ‘voluntarily’ sucking a rubber cock. As she sucked her mind going round in circles thinking how she could get free, how she would get her revenge, but most of all wondering why her pussy was still so wet from her ordeal. How could she want this? Mike reached behind the pole and flicked the switch for the light bulb, Jasmine lit the room, pouring light on her perfect body and emphasising her luscious tits and beautiful bronzed body, the only distortion to the wonderful sexual ornament was the noticeable bulge in her pussy, the dildo really was filling her. Mike stood back and admired his room decoration, and watched as she continued to suck on her penis gag, enjoying the change that would slowly build inside her. After the first 30 minutes Mike came back, reached behind her head and removed her gag and asked her to speak 'Well, how should you be treated?' Jasmine gasped for some air and panted 'Please just let me go, I cant concentrate on anything, I'll forget this happened, just please stop it' Mike put the gag back, fastened it tightly and walked away without saying anything. Feeling abandoned, Jasmine couldn’t believe that she had been left to continue sucking. She was frustrated now, she wouldn’t take this treatment any longer, using her last burst of energy she tried to loosen her bonds, but only resulted in showing Mike how helpless her delicate body was against her predicament. Wasting precious time her dildos soon reminded her what she was there to do, again in unbelievable pain her pussy automatically clamped tight around her dildo as the pain shot through her body. With her last effort getting her nowhere she resigned herself to slowly, and repeatedly sucking her replica cock, instinctively keeping her lips tightly against her gag. Defeated, she knew there was no easy way out, and she could picture how obscene she must look. Unaware that she was being used as a lampshade, she thought her body must look almost like a trophy, naked and on show, her tits heaving a little with each strained breath she took through the small holes under her nostrils. She wondered if she looked as pathetic as she felt, held in position by the dildos, helpless because her most sensitive areas were being abused, helpless to do anything but submit. After the second 30mins her gag was removed again, this time Jasmine said, 'I'll let you fuck me whenever you want Mike, I want you to use me, just get this thing out of my ass!' This was a much better attitude from Jasmine, although Mike thought she was being far too brief and unimaginative. 'I could do that anyway Jasmine, it’s your ideas I want, not your consent' The gag went back in place, this time not wanting to feel pain, Jasmine made sure she immediately sucked hard, in fact she began to enjoy her predicament. By obediently sucking, the worse that was happening was that she was getting a little pleasure from the vibrating dildos. Perhaps being a slave to cock wouldn’t be so bad, after all she loved a big cock filling her pussy, and her mind soon wandered and she concentrated on sucking and feeling the pleasure grow in her pussy. She felt an orgasm slowly build, her pussy gripping its intruder, in sync with her mouth sucking she began gripping the dildo hard, building the orgasm, loving the sensation, forgetting about her situation she let a huge orgasm burst out and pulsed over her body. Letting a loud moan escape she let her body go limp, still held tightly in place by her bonds she relaxed and let the orgasm take her. That was a mistake. She felt for the second time the huge shock shoot through her body. Mike had enjoyed that little adventure Jasmine had taken herself on, the combination of orgasm and shock had made her body shake and pulse, her tits even shaking with the power. He loved to think the effect this experience must be having on her. Knowing that if she let the pleasure take her again, she would be in serious trouble, Jasmine began thinking about what Mike had said. Clearly the only way she was getting off her special ‘pedestal’ was to tell Mike how she should be treated. So she concentrated on ignoring the vibrations in her pussy and ass and thought about what she really wanted, what really would make her happy. Seeing as there was no choice she knew she had to be honest with herself. Maybe that would lead to her being truly happy. The third time, gasping, chest heaving, 'I will give you sex whenever you demand it Mike, you can use me when you feel like, fuck any hole and I will accept that' 'That’s better Jasmine, I hope you can see how your life could be. Your attitude still isn’t good enough though. I want to hear commitment from you.' If Mike could have seen Jasmines face it would have been one of shock as the gag was pushed back in her mouth. She thought that she would have been freed after admitting what she really craved but had been to shy to admit it. She felt disappointed Mike hadn’t wanted that - she really wasn’t sure how much longer she could keep her cock-sucking up for, she certainly hadn’t had any previous experience and her mouth was getting sore. Maybe all the obedience training was affecting her, she knew she would feel better if she could please Mike. She wanted to please mike. She obviously wasn’t concentrating when the gag was replaced as mike saw a ripple of movement over Jasmines body shortly afterwards, she must have been thinking hard about her next comments. Her tits still looking lovely as ever as she hung there tortured and trained at the same time. Mike began wishing she had a free hole to please him with. The fourth time, he removed her gag, and asked his lampshade what she wanted, ''I want to quit work Mike, I want to be here for you, I will suck you and fuck you, I will be kept naked and leashed like an animal. Its what I crave, I need it. I want to be caged and impaled with dildos as I sleep, my body on display' It surprised Jasmine when she heard herself say those words, they just came out - this time to think was beginning to worry Jasmine. It was though she was in some sort of fetish therapy session, her mind was running on pleasure, she began to felt happy when she thought she was being obedient. Her attitude was now giving her pleasure, and by telling Mike what she wanted she was getting attention and she knew it was better than the alternative. ‘You’re improving Jasmine, I knew you could do it if you put your mind to it’ Running his hands across her tits he said ‘Lets see what you can come up with given longer’ and with that quickly gagged her again before she could make any protest. As she hung there, sucking hard, she realised that having gone this far Mike wasn’t going to accept anything less than complete servitude. Worryingly this made Jasmine feel excited and thrilled not to have a choice. She wanted that dildo in her pussy to be Mikes cock, she wanted to be fucked when she didn’t have a choice. Her desires began to run through her mind, her ideas becoming clearer to her. She had long forgotten who she was, knowing only that to be fucked was to be in heaven, she didn’t need anything else. Fifth time. Mike removed her gag, and Jasmine licked her lips, and began to tell him what she wanted, ‘I want to exist for you. I want to be useful for you. I want you to convert me into something I cannot escape from. I will be stripped and shaved. You will strap me to a glass topped table. I will be face up, with two holes for my tits, they will be pushed through. The glass running from just below my neck down to my pussy. A set of metal straps under the table locking me into place - unable to move my body. Only my head would have any movement. My hair will be in a ponytail with a cord tied to it, running back and tied taught, to a large, thick hook in my ass forcing my head back. I want my ass to be full as I am on display for you. My arms would be bound tightly to the two front table legs, and my legs, bent at the knees, would be bound to the back two legs. I want you to be able to sit on a chair and move in between my spread knees so that you can slide your hard cock up inside my pussy. I want you to eat your dinner from the table as I squeeze your cock with my pussy muscles. I wont be able to move but I can still give you pleasure. Then you can move to the other end for your desert. With my head pulled back your cock can easily slide into my mouth and I would taste my own juices and maybe get to drink your cum if I do a good job. I may feel a few tugs on my ass as I suck but it would be worth it to be useful for you. As you get your blowjob you could play with my tits, flick my nipples and watch me flinch, I wouldn’t be able to move an inch to stop you. If you wanted you could use my tits as pillows as you rest, I would happily keep sucking on your cock and remember that I am only there to please you. I need to please you. Do you want that as well?’ Mike Smiled ‘That is much better Jasmine. I'm glad you are beginning to want to be a good girl. I think I'll put your gag back though. I'll free you tomorrow; I have work to do now and I need the light….’ Leaving his lampshade he started work on a very special table. ============ If there are any ideas or situations you would like to see in a future storyline just email me... www.forniphilia.info smith@forniphilia.info