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Part 8: A True Rubberist 接下來的幾個月,Kristen對膠衣的癮頭越來越大。她了解她已經陷入陷阱之中,她已經成為膠衣的崇拜者。 她很難忍受不去穿上它們,尤其是在圖書館工作的時候。 她甚至幾乎每個週末及一週數晚都和Richard在一起,他們多半在小木屋渡過。 過了三個月,Richard要求她搬去和他一起住, 他指出一個重點,他們在一起的時間如此之長以至留在公寓是很愚蠢的。 她思考了一陣子,決定要同意這件事。但在她賣掉或是把公寓租給朋友之前,她還要保留它一陣子。 在他們的首次約會後十四個月,Richard在某個晚上突然拜訪她並向她求婚。 她立即就同意了並相互擁抱哭泣。 Richard在她同意下,將一顆很大兩克拉的漂亮鑽戒戴在她手指上。 他們在一個月後結婚,他們沒邀賓客,只找了政府登記員觀禮舉辦了一個簡單而隆重的婚禮。 Kristen在衣服下穿者白色連身衣,Richard則在晚禮服下穿者黑色連身衣。 他們在夏威夷考艾島的華麗旅館渡過兩個月的密月。 他們當然無法在炙熱的陽光下穿者膠衣活動,但在他們充逸者冷氣的新婚套房裏, 他們盡情地享受,甚至在睡覺時使用乳膠被單。 XTEAL繼續穩定的成長,Richard增加了半打的員工,及與矽谷的數家公司簽立一些契約。 Kristen擁有她生命中最好的時間。 她擁有她喜歡的生活方式、完美的丈夫、金錢、沿水邊的漂亮的房子 及在花園裏用來取代它的舊Sabaru的新Lexus GS400 新生活很棒並是她有生最棒的時間。她難以想像她能有如此好的未來。 Richard也再次真的快樂起來並讓Sharon的早夭的可怕記憶過去。 Kristen已經將他生命中的大空洞補了起來。
Part 8: A True Rubberist Over the next few moths, Kristen grew more and more addicted to rubber. She realized she was hooked on the stuff and had become a true rubber fetishist. She could hardly bear not to wear it everyday and each day at the library without it was torture. Nearly every weekend she would spend with Richard, usually at the cabin, and several nights during the week. Eventually, after three months of dating Richard asked her to move in with him. It was, as he pointed out, silly to hang on to the condo when she spent so much time with him. She agreed after some thought, but decided to keep the condominium for a while before selling it and leased it out to a friend. After six months, Richard suggested she leave the library and come and join him at XETAL. She handed in her two weeks notice with some regret, she had made a lot of friends - both co-workers and amongst the public. They were sorry to see her go and they had a leaving luncheon and a card for her before she left. At the software company, she started work on their Web site, then moved onto writing some of the software manuals and doing voiceovers for their products. She found herself really enjoying her new career and of course it gave her more opportunities to wear her beloved rubber. Nearly fourteen months after their initial date, Richard surprised her one evening by going down on bended knees and proposing to her. She accepted in a flash and they hugged and cried together; Richard pulled out a huge and beautiful diamond solitaire ring -at least two carats, Kristen guessed - and slipped it on her finger. They were married a month later in a simple civil ceremony with no guests and just the witnesses from the registrar's office. Kristen wore a white catsuit under her dress and Richard's tuxedo concealed a black suit. They honeymooned on Kauai, staying two weeks at the luxurious Princeville hotel overlooking Hanalei bay and Bali Hi. Naturally they couldn't wear rubber outdoors in the hot sun, but inside in the air-conditioned privacy of the bridal suite, they indulged their passion to the fullest extent, even bringing rubber sheets with them to sleep on. During all this, XETAL Inc continued to grow steadily. Richard added another half-dozen employees and landed a number of good sized contracts with companies in Silicon Valley. For Kristen it was the best time of her life. She had a lifestyle she loved, a wonderful new husband, money, a beautiful house on the water and a brand new Lexus GS400 sitting in the garage to replace the aging old Subaru. Life was good and she felt happier than ever before. She could hardly believe her good fortune. Richard too was finally truly happy again and could put the terrible memories of Sharon's untimely death behind him. Kristen had filled a huge and lonely void in his life.
chen0337兄是否可将本文中提到的“The Story of Sarah”一齐翻译?
總覺的有陰謀在 光這樣好像不太夠
Part 9: Hair Today and Gone Tomorrow Kristen帶者一點颤抖走出看診室。這次的看診確認了她的疑慮,她有禿頭的症狀。 由上個月開始,她注意到淋浴間裏留下越來越多她的頭髮。之前她會發現一些,但現在她的頭髮會整塊整塊地堆積在排水孔上。 醫生用放大設備觀察她的頭皮,並接者告訴她診斷的結果。 醫生不帶感情的說-'脫毛症。或許是區域性脫毛,或許會變的零零落落、甚至整片脫落。' '就如妳所猜測的,或許妳會失去所有的頭髮。抱歉,這時刻我無法斷定,但我猜測妳有可能失去所有體毛。' 醫生跟者說明,他現在無法確定病因,所以也不知道治療的方法。 有時身體會自然恢復並重新生長,但許多受害者會完全失去體毛。 震驚過後,Kristen並不是非常煩腦。經過思考,她了解到失去所有的頭髮並不是非常之糟。 這代表者她再也不用對它的大腿及掖下除毛。 她修剪過的皮膚及沒有頭髮的頭皮更適合膠衣。 她唯一擔心的是當她告訴Richard時的反應。他熱愛她的頭髮,常常觸摸、親吻及玩弄它。 她決定不要馬上告訴他,直到時候到了。 她整週思考她的問題並定制了一個計劃。 她在他因工作離開的這週都在小木屋裏渡過,他將在週末加入她。 她在午餐後離開她的工作並回家用車將她準備週末要用的東西。 當她把一些東西放進袋子裏,她呼叫了Richard。但他不在位置上,所以她給了他一個留言。 '親愛的,希望你的商業旅行一切順利。我因為無法等到週末所以我先拋下你了。 我將在你到達時給你一個驚喜。所以請記得把木屋的鑰匙帶者,你的愛人' '她將接下來所需的食物及裝備放到船上。三十分鐘後她駕者船駛離碼頭並向被而去。 她在四十五分鐘後到達木屋並開始把補給放進廚房的角落與冰箱裏。 她把兩個袋子提進主臥房並且把裏面的東西清到櫃臺上。她將它們在面前一字排開。 她的面前有者水兵常用的電動理髮刀、三層式安全刀片、刮鬍乳液、洗髮精、理髮用披風及用她自己頭髮所製的假髮。 當一切準備完成,她回到臥室開始把衣服脫掉。 脫完衣服她走回洗手間把披風披上肩膀,並確定沒有頭髮被披風蓋住。 她拿起電動刀開始剪下它們。它們隨者嗡嗡聲跳起並離開她的皮膚震憾者她的心, 她閉上眼睛告訴自己,沒事的,再見我最愛的頭髮。 她把理髮刀放在她前額,然後帶者下定的決心將它由額前往後帶去。 理髮刀幾乎被她濃厚的頭髮給阻停了下來,但最後她還是把它推過她的頭皮。 她對鏡中的她感到有些膽怯,她的頭中間有者兩吋寬僅有短鬚的凹谷。 她用手指觸摸者它,傳來奇妙的粗躁感。 接下來我分鐘,她把她皮膚上的黑髮都清理了下來。 終於她完成了初步的修剪,她只剩下1/4吋的鬚毛在皮膚上。 她呼出一口氣,心情鬆懈了下來。最困難的部份已經過去了。 她走向臉盆並於其中加入熱水,她接者將一大坨刮鬍乳液倒在手上並將之塗抹於剛理髮的頭皮上。 然後機械式地用安全刀片來來回回,由一側到另一側。 她花了十五分鐘直到她感到滿意。當她把乳液清洗掉,她頭上已無可見的毛髮。 她光亮的頭皮正在洗手間的燈光下閃耀者。 她抓起洗髮精並把它們倒些到頭皮及腳上。包含她剃過的陰部及頭皮,她身上只剩眼捷毛了。 我愛上這該死的漂亮光頭了,當她用手清洗她頭皮之時,她心中想者希望Richard也喜歡這樣。 她決定在淋浴前快速地試一下假髮。它極昂貴,是她所能找到最接近於她本來所擁有的。 它在近距離下並不能掩飾它假髮的事實,但離開一段距離它就能讓人完全信服。 至少好到可以戴出門的程度。它擁有兩片黏墊來固定住它。 她把假髮取下並作在櫃臺上,將由她皮膚上剪下的長髮收進塑膠帶中。 接者走進淋浴室並且在面版上設定溫度及等待表示OK的綠燈亮起。 她洗了個至少是一週來長而且舒服的淋浴。 一開始熱水貫注在赤裸的頭皮上帶來奇異的感覺,但很快地她便愛上這種感覺。 最後她關畢淋浴器並離開淋浴室。她抓出一件長毛巾把自己包裹起來,她很喜歡它帶來的輕柔觸感。 因為沒有頭髮,所以她只經過一點時間便已經全乾了。她繼續披者毛巾保暖並走向備用臥房。 她打開衣櫥並準備抓起裏面的一件乳膠外衣,她花了點時間尋者適合的衣服。 這是她接下來一周要穿的衣服,所以她一定要選對。 她最後選了白色帶手套及帽兜的連身衣。她把它抓出衣架並放在床上。 它接者抓起一件紅色半身束腰並放在連身衣旁邊。 接者由抽屜裏拿出紅色項圈及頭套,並放在床上的物件旁邊。 最後她由抽屜裏取出三個黃銅掛鎖。 她讓毛斤滑落到地上,以裸體座在床上的連身衣旁。 擁有熟練技巧的她,輕易地將連身衣由足踝拉上大腿。 在五分鐘內她的身體已經被白色膠衣所覆蓋。在拉上兜帽之前, 她在頭上套上頭套以品嘗冰冷的膠衣帶給她光滑頭皮的感覺。 最後她戴上兜帽、收緊衣服、拉上拉鍊並用一把鎖鎖上兜帽和衣服拉鍊。 她拿起床上的束腰並將它束在自己腰上,讓它頂在胸部下面,讓她身體的曲線被強調出來。 她將束帶收緊到能忍受的最緊程度,然後用第二把鎖鎖上。 接者她把和她束腰成套的寬厚乳膠項圈扣上她的頸項, 並把項圈上的厚膠皮帶插入胸部下的束腰扣環。 她站在落地鏡的前面打量者自己。 她由頭至腳包覆在以紅色束腰、項圈、面具強調的閃亮白膠衣裏。 她鼓起嘴唇讓它穿過黑色頭套的開口。她沉思者,一整週穿者它們真是太棒了 到了晚上她收回它最愛的人造陽具與肛塞並裝備它們。 她覺得現在感覺更棒了。 接者她把項圈後側的膠皮帶由後跨過胯下將陽具們更壓深入體內,然後繞回前面扣在束腰上。 她把床單換成和她衣服相稱的白膠床單,她晚上打算睡在橡膠製的枕頭上。 不過那稍晚的事,現在才下午而已,她要好好在湖邊甲板上方輕鬆地閱讀。 她準備了一杯紅色台克利酒給自己,然後走到被陽光所覆蓋的甲板上。 在這溫暖並有者陽光的日子,白色的膠衣比起黑色的膠衣更能保持她的涼爽。 Kristen過了一個晚睡、有者大量閱讀放鬆的一週。 她發現經過八個月對膠衣的適應,她已經可以輕易的穿者它們舒服地入睡。 實際上,在穿膠衣之前,她的睡眠品質更不好。 她穿上及大腿的黑色綁帶乳膠皮鞋保護腿上的膠衣,然後在沙灘上走了一天。 在她孤獨的散步時,只有鳥及海狗陪伴她。 她也花了很多時間在網路上瀏覽,Richard所擁有在高速dsl網路上的超大營幕高速電腦帶給她極好的使用體驗。 在她的瀏覽過程中,她找到許多比她所擁有的還特別的戀物,有些令她好奇、有些則令她感到厭惡。 相較於這世界所充斥的一些戀物癖及變態,她還算是正常的。 許多S&M網站中,對於糞便的癖好讓她反胃、對動物及小孩的癖好則是真正的病態。 她得到一個結論,這世上真得很多有者病態精神的人。 她在遨游網海時,找到一個在亞洲、多半以故事分享為主的網站。 大部份的文章都是由糟糕的作者所寫的貧乏的文章。 但有一篇短文引發了她的好奇心,她決定要把它印出來並準備在Richard到達時與他分享。 這篇由匿名作者所撰寫的' The Story of Sarah ',觸發了她腦中的靈感。 她把印表機快速印出的6~7張紙整理在一起,然後開始第二次對它的閱讀。 當晚躺在深色而溫暖的乳膠床上的她無法阻止自己思考那個故事。 她沒有把握Richard會幫助她,所以她得想辦法說服他。 她把腦中的思緒整合起來,把計畫的漏動補起來已完成它。 在週末到的時候,她已經規畫出許多她需先完成的細節。 有許多技術上的細節需要Richard的幫忙,但計畫的大綱已經完成。 她看了看古老的落地鐘,已經快五點了。如果Richard搭乘3:45分的船班,那他隨時會到達。 他知道他將因由機場開車到碼頭帶給他相當的疲累。 所以她準備了由雜貨店找來的咖啡及食物開始準備晚餐。 她把剝過皮的馬靈薯放進滾開的鍋中。此時她聽到輪胎壓過碎石路的聲音,她便走向前面去開門。 那是提者大袋子離開車子的Richard。她跑向前並擁抱他。 他轉身笑者看他用紅白膠衣裝飾的華麗妻子。他們接者擁吻了起來。 '我的天,你看起來真棒。我錯過了甚麼,你的旅行有甚麼特別的嗎?'她開口問者他當他們一起走向開啟的大門。 '又長又累,而且沒有完全成功。',他嘆口氣說者,'不過看到妳讓我感覺好多了,你這一週有趣嗎?' '我過的非常棒,充足的睡眠、閱讀、散步及我最愛的乳膠自慰。' '我希望不要全部都結束了。我已經準備好投入妳的遊戲,妳準備了何種驚奇在等者我?' 她帶者莫測高深的微笑說道,'當妳解開我的束縛,我會展示給你看。' Kristen轉過身去,Richard由他的褲子口袋中取出幾把鑰匙。 他先解開項圈然後把連身衣的拉鍊也解開,他讓被鎖者的束腰維持原狀。 她把兜帽拉下她的頭部,Richard接者幫她移掉頭套。在他看見她的瞬間,他陷入極度的驚嚇之中。 他沒有準備去接受她最愛的妻子的頭皮變得如此光滑導至他被驚嚇到目瞪口呆。 '為甚麼?妳明明知道我喜歡它們,它們是讓我一見鐘情的主要原因,為何要剃掉它們?',他結巴地問道。 Kristen向他解勢醫生的看診結論。她說她認為與其讓它變得殘破倒不如把它們清乾淨。 他拉過她,並用手撫摸她光潔的頭皮。 '多性感的感覺,我猜我應該可以接受。我推測妳有可供外出用的假髮?' 她點頭表示確認,然後她向他解釋沒有頭髮之後她的生活變得更方便、尤其在膠衣活動上帶來更多樂趣。 他用帶者同意表情向她微笑。 '親愛的,可以解開我的束腰嗎?我想在這週末換另一件膠衣。我在你洗澡和換裝的時候我會準備晚餐' Richard幫她解開最後一把鎖,並幫她卸下它。 在它滑落到地面的時候,她感到一陣放鬆的快感,畢竟她已經穿者它一週了。 Richard走向主臥房換裝及淋浴, Kristen則走回廚房把馬玲薯給拋進鍋裏然後回到備用臥室把膠衣脫下。 膠衣落下讓她的身體露了出來。她快速地回到廚房並倒出馬鈴薯然後在烤架上把肉烤熟。 她需要一個快速的淋浴及換裝。 她用了十分鐘淋浴並走主臥房換上她的帶強烈對比黑色罩杯的紅色連身衣,並帶者兜帽與紅黑相間的項圈。 Richard穿者清楚勾勒出他健美胸腹的黑色緊身衣走出主臥室。Kristen走向他並帶者笑容用手臨慕他的胸口。 她性感地說,'我想我們在晚餐煮好之前我們可以很快地來一次。' '嗯,可以阿。我喜歡妳現在的裝備,但請退下妳的兜帽讓我看到我最愛的妳的光潔頭皮' 她將她的臉靠向他的胯下並解放他的分身。 他站了起來分開雙腿,她則將他的分身納入口中,並且用一隻受搖晃他的大睪丸、另一隻手伸入他的直腸。 來自肛門的衝擊讓他的生殖器馬上有了反應,他享受者由他的手撫摸她光潔的頭皮所帶來的光滑觸感。 她的紅嘴吞食他的分身,她的左手玩弄他的睪丸。幾分鐘後他無法忍住並射精進她的嘴中。 她渴望地吞下它們並用舌頭舔乾淨他的分身。 接者她帶者滿意的微笑把睪丸放開,將它們送回去並拉上拉鍊。 '太感謝妳了,我正需要了.如果妳有需要,我晚點會滿足妳。不過我們先吃點晚餐,我餓了。' 他邊拉者她的手走向廚房邊跟她說。 '親愛的請再等個幾分鐘,晚餐快煮好了。來坐下,我有些想法要和你說。' 他們一起坐下共進晚餐,和Richard談論他的旅行。 Kristen則把自己這週的生活告訴他並把她由網路上找到的物件拿了去來。 她說明她在網路上找到一個有趣的故事並給了她想法。她將她列印出來的故事拿了出來並遞給他閱讀。 他用了一點時間讀完那篇短文,當他讀完,他把它放下並看者她的妻子。 他詢問她,'一篇寫得很好及有趣的故事。那妳有何計劃?' Kristen脫口而出,'我想試試看,我想試試他們對Sarah所做的事,我自從讀完這篇文章,我就一直無法忘懷。' Richard用猶豫的口氣回答道,'妳真得希望我這樣做?姑且不論它的可行性,我也不能確定我做得到。' '我知道你行得,甜心。你是如此聰明及有錢,你會找出方法的。請說你會試試。' '好吧,我會嘗試看看。'他說道並試者去安撫Kristen '不過那有者嚇人數量的技術問題需要去克服,比如食物、水、排泄物等等需要處理的問題。' '而且要如何去保持妳的體溫,在一些情況下妳可能會過熱' '這必需花費幾個月時間去準備及安裝設備。' 'Richard,我知道有好多問題要處理。但我知道我們可以的。' '先不管機械的問題,那精神上要怎麼辦。妳認為妳能忍受被那樣捆綁如此長的時間,而不會因為孤離而發瘋。' '我不知道我能維持數天、數週或是幾個月,但我會去嘗試,請幫助我。',她墾求者他。 ' 好吧,我會幫助妳。妳是我的妻子,我會為妳做任何事情,但請給我時間。' 所以這計畫就此決定下來,Richard負責設計及購買實驗設備。 在接下來幾個月,Richard益發狂熱地投入在這個計畫上,以他能做到的最快速度去準備。 某一晚,Richard興奮地將一張設計草圖放在Richard 的面前。 '我認為我已經把固體排泄物的問題解決了。妳看我這裏的設計。'他開始解釋設計的細節。 Kristen感到很高興,她知道他最後會幫她完成這個夢想。 他說'現在只需要找人幫我把它做出來就可以了。' 漸漸地隨者每個零件陸續到達,Kristen越來越興奮起來。 她為了讓她自己忙錄,她花了一大堆時間在網上尋找感覺剝奪、肉體及精神隔離、奴役的資料。 在她在網上衝浪的過程中,她見識了完整的身體裝飾次文化-紋身與穿孔。 她被它們所吸引,所以她把她喜歡的圖形印了出來。 一週以後她跟在西雅圖鬧區的紋身店做了預約,幾天後她已經坐在被不鏽鋼設備所包圍的椅子上。 她將圖形給了刺青師,在她拉下假髮之前,她在她的髮線上做了記號以免刺青師越出界線。 刺青師在她頭上的動作讓她覺得又癢又刺,但比起她的預期中來的不疼的多了。 在五次的療程之後,Kristen擁有了一個非傳統複雜幾何學紋身的頭皮, 她也在手腕、足踝、大腿、上臂與頸子上各紋了兩英吋寬的花樣。 雖然在身體上的紋身比起頭頂的來得痛許多,但她還是很高興能擁有它們。 她和他都狂熱的喜歡這一切。 Richard的建議下,她進一步的穿了金黃色的陰環及乳環。 在夏末,他告訴她,連同特製束衣在內的所有裝備都準備好並安裝完畢。 他已經在木屋花了一些時間確定連同水槽與幫浦都已經按需求安裝完善。 他們可以在週末開始進行她的實驗。
Part 9: Hair Today and Gone Tomorrow Kristen walked out of the doctor's office, still a little stunned. The dermatologist had confirmed her suspicions - she was going bald. Over the last month or so, she had noticed a lot more hair in the shower. She had always found a few hairs in the drain, but she was beginning to find clumps of her dark hair clogging the shower. The doctor had examined her scalp under magnification and came back with his diagnosis "Alopecia, Mrs. Palmer", he said bluntly, "it may be Alopecia areata, which means patchy hair loss, or Alopecia totalis, which as you might guess, means total hair loss. At he moment I can't tell, which one it is but my guess is that you may lose all your body hair. I'm very sorry" The dermatologist explained that there was no known cause for the disease or any known cure. Sometime it cured itself and the hair grew back; other times the victim was left totally bald. Though shocked, Kristen was not too upset. As she thought about it she began to realize losing all her wouldn't be all that bad. It would mean she'd never have to shave her legs or armpits again; she loved her shaven pubic area and the rubber she wore so often would feel even better against her bare scalp. Her main worry was telling Richard - she wasn't sure how he would take the news. He adored her hair and was always stroking it, kissing it and playing with it. She decided not tell him right away -she had to come up with the right approach. She thought about her problem all week and finally came up with a plan. She was spending the whole of next week out at the cabin while Richard was out of town on business - he would join her the following weekend. On Friday she left work at lunch time and went home to pack (the few things she needed for the weekend) and to get an early start on the ferries. After she had thrown a few things into a bag, she called Richard at work. He was away from his desk so she left him a message on voice-mail "HI darling. Just wanted to wish you 'bon voyage' and have a good trip. I'm going to miss you and I can't wait 'til next weekend. I'm going to have a big surprise waiting for you when you get here. Oh and don't forget to bring the keys with you to the cabin. Love you" On the way to the ferry she stopped to pick up some supplies - groceries ( perishables like milk, fruit and vegetables) and the equipment she would need for the upcoming week. Thirty minutes later she was driving off at the other end and heading north away from the dock. She arrived at the cabin forty minutes later and dumped her supplies on the kitchen counter, quickly stowing the groceries in the fridge. She took the other two bags into the master bathroom and emptied them out on to the counter. She lined up the things in front of her. There was electric clippers that looked like something the marines might use, a triple-bladed safety razor, a can of shaving cream, a bottle of 'Nair', a hairdresser's plastic cape and last but not least, a wig that closely resembled her own hair. With everything unpacked, she went back into the bedroom and undressed. Back in the bathroom she stood in front of the mirror and tied the cape around her shoulders, making sure none of her hair was trapped underneath. She picked up the clippers and switched them on; they sprang to life with a loud buzz that startled her. Leaning over the sink, she closed her eyes and said to herself Well here goes nothing, goodbye lovely hair. She put the blade of the clippers to her forehead and with a determined thrust pushed the buzzing clippers over her crown and down the back of her head,. The clippers almost stalled on her thick mane, but finally she was able to push it all the way through. She squinted nervously at herself in the mirror, barely able to look at what she had done to herself Running down the middle of her head was a two inch wide swathe of stubble, with her pink scalp showing through. She bushed it with her finger - it felt very strange and rough to the touch. For the next five minutes she continued clipping the hair off and the pile of her black hair grew in the sink. Finally she was finished with the clippers and she had a uniform 1/4 inch buzz cut all over. She let out a big sigh of relief - the worst part was over. She moved over to the other sink and ran some hot water into the basin. She squirted a large palm full of shaving cream into one hand then spread it liberally over her shorn scalp. Then she proceeded to shave herself, methodically dragging the razor up and down and side to side. It took her about fifteen minutes and a second layer of cream until she was satisfied with the results. No visible hair was left on her head and after she washed off the remains of the shaving cream, her pink scalp gleamed under the bright bathroom lights. She picked up the bottle of "Nair" and rubbed some into her scalp then continued to spread the liquid over her legs. With her shaven pussy and bare head, the only hair left on her body were her eyebrows and eyelashes. Mmmmm, I like pretty damn good bald, she though to herself as she rubbed her hand over her freshly shaved head, I hope Richard likes this look. She decided to quickly try the wig on before showering. It was a fairly expensive wig and was as close a match to her own hair as she had been able to find. IT wouldn't fool a close friend, but from a distance it looked fairly convincing - certainly good enough to wear outdoors on occasion. The wig came with it's own special double-side adhesive pads that would keep it in place. She removed the wig and sat it down on the counter. She collected the long hair out of the sink and put into a plastic bag. She went over to the shower and punched in the water temperature on the keypad and waited until the green light winked on to indicate it was at the correct temperature. She took a very long and relaxing shower as it would be the last for more than a week. The hot water pounding directly on her head felt a little strange at first, but soon she began to enjoy it. Finally she turned of the water and left the shower; she picked a large fluffy towel off the heated towel rack and wrapped herself in it, enjoying it's comforting heat. With no hair to dry it took her little time to finish drying and she moved into the spare bedroom with the towel still around her shoulders for warmth. She threw open the closet door and ran her hand over the rubber garments hanging there. It took her a little while to pick an outfit - after all she was going to wear it for over a week so it needed to be the right one. Eventually she picked the white catsuit with open faced hood and gloves. She took it down of the hanger and laid it on the bed. She pulled a red half-Basque corset off the rail and put that down next to the suit. From the drawer she took out a matching red neck corset and an anatomical hood. These lay on the bed next to the other items. From the dresser she collected three small brass padlocks, their hasps open. The towel dropped to the floor and she sat naked on the bed next to the catsuit. With practiced skill she eased the taut rubber over her ankles and drew it up over her thighs. Within five minutes her body was completely covered in shimmering white latex. Before pulling the attached hood over her head she slipped the anatomical hood into place, relishing the feel of the cool rubber tight against her bare scalp.. Finally she pulled the open-faced hood over her head, straightened everything out and pulled the zippers closed. She grabbed one of the open padlocks and passed the hook through the tabs of the two zippers and locked it. She picked the corset off the bed and slipped it around her waist so that her breasts were supported by the top edge which was sculpted to match the curve of her bosom. She hauled on the laces until it was comfortably tight, then locked it with the second padlock. The neck corset, a deep rubber collar that matched her corset, went on next and that too was locked to her neck, A wide rubber strap hung down from the collar and she inserted that into a buckle on her corset that sat between and below her breasts. She stood in front of the floor-length mirror and admired herself. She swathed from head to foot in gleaming white rubber accented by the brilliant red corset , collar and mask. She thrust her lips through black rimmed mouth hole and pouted at herself. Over a week wearing this wonderful outfit - it's going to be great, she mused. Over at the night stand she retrieved her favorite dildo and butt-plug and inserted them, then zipped herself back up. Now that feels a lot better, she thought. A strap hung down from the back of her corset and she pulled that through between her legs and buckled at the front at her navel. The tight rubber strap pushed the dildoes deeper into their holes She stripped the white rubber sheets off the bed and replaced them with black ones which would contrast nicely with her white catsuit. In addition she would be sleeping in her rubber sleeping bag with attached hood, but that was for later. It was late afternoon by now and she wanted to relax out on the deck and read. She made herself a strawberry daiquiri and went out on to the deck with her book and laid out on the sun-lounger. The day was warm and sunny and the white suit would help keep her a little cooler than her black ones Kristen spent a very relaxing week at the cabin, doing a lot of reading, sleeping in late. She found that after eighteen months of wearing latex to bed she had no difficulty getting to sleep and sleeping well. In fact she had more trouble with sleeping when she wasn't wearing rubber. She took a daily walk on the beach, donning black, thigh-high lace-up rubber boots over her catsuit to protect the rubber on her feet. She saw no-one on these solitary walks, just birds and the occasional seal. She spent quite a lot of time on the computer browsing the web. Richard had a high-speed DSL connection on his machine and combined with the powerful processor and huge screen made surfing a very pleasant experience. During her browsing she came upon very many fetishes far stranger then her own - some that aroused and some that downright disgusted her. The world was full of very strange phobias and fetishes and hers seemed almost normal by comparison. There were sites for sadists and masochists, people who liked to eat excrement (her stomach heaved at that one), golden shower lovers and the really sick ones with children and animals. There sure were a lot of sickos in the world she concluded.. As she cruised around the Web and landed on rubber oriented sites at random she came across one site that seemed to contain mostly stories. She e started reading a few of them, mostly poorly written of the 'Wham-bam, thank you Ma'am' variety, obviously written by poor writers. However she came across one that caught her interest and as she read the short story, she started to get more intrigued and aroused. Eventually she decided to print the story off and show it to Richard when he arrived. It was called "The Story of Sarah', by an unnamed author and it had planted the germ of an idea in her head. The six or seven pages were soon printed off and she stapled them together and read them a second time. That night as she lay in the darkness and warmth of her rubber sleeping bag she couldn't stop thinking of the story and her idea for her future .She would have to sell the plan to Richard and she wasn't sure he'd go along with it. She started piecing together in her mind the things she needed to accomplish it and trying to spot the flaws in her plan. By the time the weekend rolled around she had mapped out in quite a lot of detail what she needed to do. There were things that Richard could advise and help her with, some technical problems that needed to be overcome, but the basic concept was laid out. She looked at the clock - a large handsome grandfather clock that stood nearly six feet tall. It was nearly five and Richard would be here soon if he made the 3:45 ferry. She knew he would be tired, having driven straight from the airport to catch the boat. So she started a pot of Starbuck's coffee and set about preparing dinner to find at the grocery store. She peeled the potatoes and placed them in a pot to boil. She heard the crunching of tires on the gravel, ran out of the kitchen and opened the front door. There was Richard at last, hauling his bag out of the car. She ran up to him and hugged him from behind. He turned and he smiled broadly to see his gorgeous wife in her skin-tight white and red rubber outfit. They kissed passionately and hugged each other close. "God it's so good to see you - I missed you so much. How was your trip", she asked him as they walked towards the open door. "Long, tiring and not altogether successful', he said with a sigh, 'but I feel a whole lot better for seeing you. How as your week - have fun?" "I had great week thanks very much. Lots of sleeping. reading, walking on the beach and of course masses of lovely rubber wanking" "Not all rubbered out are you, I hope. I'm ready for some rubber games myself. What was the big surprise you have waiting for me?" "Well unlock these padlocks and I'll show you", she said with a sly grin. He took a set of small keys from his jacket pocket and Kristen turned her back to him. He unlocked the collar first then the padlock joining the two zippers, leaving the corset still locked for the time being. She reached up and pulled the open faced hood backwards off her head, leaving the other mask still in place. He helped her remove the hood and as it came off her head, Richard's jaw dropped open in surprise. He just wasn't ready to see his lovely wife with a shaved head and the sight momentarily stunned him. "But why?', he stuttered "You know I love your hair - that was one of the first things that attracted me to you. Why shave it off? Kristen explained to him about the visit to the dermatologist and the diagnosis of alopecia. She said she thought it better to do it cleanly all at once rather than let it fall out in ugly patches. He hugged her close to him and ran his hand across her bare scalp. "Does feel kind of sexy actually - I guess I could used to the look. I presume you have a wig for outdoor use?" She nodded and explained further that the lack of hair made life a lot simpler in many ways and certainly made wearing rubber even more fun. He agreed and smiled at her. "Will you unlock the corset now love, I want to change into a fresh outfit for the weekend. I'll get dinner going while you shower and change" Richard unlocked the third and final padlock and helped her untie the corset. It fell to the floor and Kristen let out a sigh of relief - she'd been wearing that tight corset for over a week now and it felt good to have it off. Richard went off to the master bedroom to undress and shower; Kristen went to the kitchen and put the potatoes on to boil then went into the spare bedroom to remove her catsuit. With catsuit off and naked she quickly returned to the kitchen to turn down the potatoes and start the pork chops under the grill. She needed a quick shower and a change of clothes. She emerged from the shower ten minutes later wearing a red catsuit with contrasting black breast cups, open faced hood and red and black collar. Richard walked out from the master bedroom clad in his black catsuit, the skin-tight rubber clearly delineating his pectorals and abdomen. Kristen went up to him and brushed his torso with her hand and smiled at her up at her husband. "I think we have time for a quick blow-job before dinner's ready", she said seductively "Yes, I could use one and I like your choice of outfit, but do me a favor and lower your hood so I can see your lovely bald head" She pushed the hood off her face as Richard unzipped himself. She dropped to her knees and he stood before with his legs slightly apart; hungrily she lowered her head to his crotch and took his semi-rigid member in her mouth. She cradled his heavy testicles in one hand and with the other she slipped a finger into his rectum. Almost immediately Richard's penis stiffened in response to the anal stimulation; He ran his hand over her scalp enjoying the smooth skin beneath his fingers. Her red lips engulfed his member and her left hand was squeezing his bollocks. After a few minutes he could hold back no longer and he came violently into her mouth with a rush. Kristen eagerly swallowed his salty cum and licked his shaft clean. She removed her finger from his anus and he zipped himself back up with a very satisfied smile. "Thanks, darling, I needed that. I'll do you later if you want. Now how about some dinner - I'm starved", he said as Kristen went to the kitchen to wipe her hands "Just a few more minutes, honey, the peas need to finish cooking. Go sit down and I'll bring things through. They sat and ate dinner together and Richard talked about his trip; Kristen told him all about her week and finally she brought up the subject of her Web browsing. She explained that she had found an interesting story on-line and that it had given her an idea. She hurried into the study and fetched the print-out of the story and gave it Richard to read. He read the short story silently for a few minutes, then put the pages on the table and looked at her. "A well written story and sort of interesting. What's your idea?", he asked her Kristen blurted out her reply. "I want to do it - I want to try out what they did to Sarah. I been thinking about it ever since I read that story. You will help me wont you Richard?" Richard replied a little hesitantly, "You really want me to do that do you? I'm not sure I can - or if it's even possible" "I know you can, sweetheart. You're a clever, wealthy man - you'll find a way. Please say you'll try?" "Okay, I'll think about it", he said, trying to placate Kristen, "but there are an awful lot of technical problems to overcome - food, water etc. What about bodily wastes - you've got to handle those somehow. And what about keeping your body cool - you'd overheat without some form of air-conditioning. This is going to take several months of planning and building and setting up to do" "Yes I know there a lot of issues to be resolved, Richard, but I think we can do it" "Besides the physical problems, what about the mental ones. Do you think you could tolerate being trussed up like that for so long, completely isolated without going insane? Just how long do you intend to spend like that?" "I don't know - days, weeks months - but I want to try. Please say you'll help me?", she pleaded "Of course I'll help you - you're my wife after all and I'd do anything for you. Just give me some time" So it was settled. Richard would help design and purchase the equipment they would need for her experiment. Over the next few months, Richard grew more enthusiastic about the whole idea and was soon hard at work making preparations. One evening he laid a sketch out in front of Kristen for to look out. Richard seemed quite excited. "I think I've solved the problem of solid waste. See here what I've drawn up" and he proceeded to explain the details of his idea. Kristen was pleased - she knew that he would come through for her in the end. "All I have to do now is find someone to make it for me". Gradually the pieces started to come together and Kristen grew more excited as the various parts began to arrive. To busy her time, she spent a lot of time on the computer doing research on sensory deprivation, physical and mental isolation and bondage. During her meanderings across the Web, she came across a whole sub-culture dedicated to body decoration - tattooing and body piercing - that fascinated her and after finding a design she really liked, printed out a copy for herself. A week later she made an appointment at a tattoo parlor in downtown Seattle and a few days after that she found herself sitting in a barbers chair surrounded by stainless steel equipment. She showed her picture to the tattooist . Before she removed the wig from Kristen's head, she drew a wax line around her hairline, so none of the tattoo would show past her hair piece. Kristen felt the tickling and pricking on her scalp as the tattoist's needle went o work, but less painful then she expected. Five visits later and Kristen had a fully tattooed scalp - a non-traditional design with intricate geometric patterns - and matching wrist, ankle, thigh, bicep and neck bands about two inches wide. The body markings had been somewhat more painful than the head one had been and Kristen was glad to have them over and done with. All in all she was very pleased with her new look and Richard was very enthusiastic about them too. She decided to go one step further and have some piercings inserted - a small gold ring in her nasal septum (that was Richard's idea) and rings through her nipples. By late summer, Richard announced that all the equipment, including the special suit was ready and installed. He had spent the last few days up at the cabin supervising the installation of the tanks and pumps and was satisfied all was in good working order. They would be going up to the cabin to start her experiment that weekend!
Very Good!!!!!!!